In Beautiful Boy, Nic Sheff becomes addicted to this powerful and highly addictive stimulant drug.
What is methamphetamine (crystal meth)?
This term refers to an individual’s sense of right and wrong, often guiding their decisions and actions in daily life.
What are personal morals?
These substances, including heroin and morphine, are known for reducing pain and creating a sense of euphoria, but they also suppress the body’s internal systems.
What are opiates?
This type of behavior is described as violating others’ safety or autonomy, often breaking societal rules.
What is antisocial behavior?
This is the smallest planet in our solar system and is closest to the Sun.
What is Mercury?
Nic’s father, David Sheff, struggles with this difficult behavioral challenge as he tries to help his son through addiction.
What is enabling behavior?
This term refers to things, relationships, or concepts a person finds meaningful or important.
What are personal values?
Cocaine, amphetamines, and ecstasy are examples of these types of substances, which speed up the nervous system and increase energy and alertness.
What are stimulants or uppers?
This type of behavior benefits society by following social norms and rules and can promote positive relationships.
What is prosocial behavior?
This animal is known for being the largest mammal on Earth, and it lives in the ocean.
What is a blue whale?
Throughout the film, Nic tries to hide his addiction by doing this to the people closest to him.
What is lying (or manipulating)?
The trolley problem is an example of this type of problem.
What is a moral dilemma?
This class of drugs, such as LSD and psilocybin, alters perception and can lead to vivid experiences, often changing the way a person views reality.
What are hallucinogens?
According to the cognitive triangle, this aspect determines our emotions and behaviors.
What are your thoughts?
This famous artist is known for his work on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel in the Vatican.
Who is Michelangelo?
Nic's father, David, confronted him and asked if he was using again, leading Nic to lash out and leave the house.
What was the result of Nic stealing from his little brother's piggy bank?
This moral principle is based on treating others as you would like to be treated, often referred to as "The Golden Rule."
What is respect?
This is the idea that addiction is a lifelong disease.
What is the medical model?
In Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), this process involves recognizing and breaking the cycle where negative thoughts lead to negative emotions and behaviors, ultimately reinforcing the cycle.
What is the Cognitive Triangle?
This artist’s famous work, "The Persistence of Memory," features melting clocks and is a well-known example of surrealism.
Who is Salvador Dalí?
Despite his love for Nic, David eventually learns that this is something he cannot do for his son.
What is "save him" (or "control his recovery")?
Someone who believes in always telling the truth, even when it’s difficult, holds this personal value.
The theory that addiction is NOT a disease, but rather the result of learned behavior and habit formation in the brain.
What is the neurobiological model?
This mental skill involves accepting your thoughts as they are, without trying to change them, which can help reduce stress or frustration.
What is radical acceptance?
This philosopher, known for his contributions to ethics and epistemology, was a student of Plato and a tutor to Alexander the Great.
Who is Aristotle?