How many Surahs are in the Quran
What city was Prophet Muhammad (SAW) born in?
Name of the yearly pilgrimage to Makkah?
Define Dua in english
Which Prophet was born without a father?
Prophet Isa (AS)
Which Quranic Surah is named after a woman?
Surah Maryam
Name of the fist Mu'azzn (caller to prayer)
Bilal ibn Rabah
Name of the longest and shortest Surah in the Quran
Surah Kawthar - Shortest
Surah Baqra - Longest
What does Shirk mean?
Associating partners with Allah
Which prophet will return before the day of Judgement?
Prophet Isa (AS)
Which Prophet is mentioned the most in the Quran?
Prophet Musa (as)
Age of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) when he became a Prophet?
40 years old
How was Hazrat Abu Talib related to Prophet Muhammad (SAW)?
His uncle
Translate إِنْ شَاءَ ٱللَّٰهُ (InshAllah) to english
if Allah wills
God willing
Which prophet built the Ka'bah with his son?
Prophet Ibrahim (AS)
Which Surah is known as the heart of the Quran?
Surah Yaseen
Name of the battle where the Muslims dug a trench to defend Madinah?
Battle of Khandaq
(Battle of the trench)
What was the first Word revealed to Prophet Muhammad (SAW)?
(Surah Al-Alaq)
What Arabic word describes the oneness of Allah?
Which prophet communicated with animals and jinns?
Prophet Sulayman (AS)
Which is the only Surah in the Quran to start without "bismillah"
Surah Tawba
Name of the mother of Prophet Muhammad (SAW)
Aminah bint Wahb
Name the Eid Muslims celebrate after Ramadhan
Eid al-Fitr
What does Hijrah refer to in Islamic history?
Migration from Makkah to Madinah
Which prophet had 12 sons, including Prophet Yusuf (AS)?
Prophet Ya’qub (AS)