Generic Structure
Types of Narrative Text
Past Tense

The last section of the narrative text generic structure is called the:



Snow White is an example of what kind of narrative text?



"I walked to the store yesterday" is an example of which tense?

Simple past


Two story elements usually included in the story's Orientation are:

Characters and setting


Which type of narrative text includes the newest/most modern stories? 

Science fiction


What is the ending for *regular* verbs in the simple past tense?



In the Legend of Timun Mas, Mbok Srini decides she cannot fulfill her agreement with Butho Ijo by giving up her child. This is an example of what part of the generic structure?



Which type of narrative text includes the traditional beliefs of a community and is generally passed down through word of mouth?

Folk story


Please find and correct the errors in the following sentence: "I were cook when my friend arrived at my house".

The past progressive structure is incorrect. The correct sentence is: I was cooking when my friend arrived at my house".


In the legend of Timun Mas, how does the story come to a resolution?

Timun Mas defeats Butho Ijo using the fourth magic bag. He dies and she is able to return home to her mom.


What is one difference between a fairytale and a myth?

Possible answers:

- a fairytale is known to be imaginary, but a myth is told as if it is true

- fairytales are not associated with religious belief, but myths may be

- fairytales usually have a known author, but we usually don't know who created a myth

- fairytales are usually told to children, but myths may be told to anyone


Please give the formula for the past progressive tense in the positive, negative, and interrogative forms

(+) S + to be [or] was/were + V-ing + O

(-) S + to be [or] was/were + not + V-ing + O 

(?) To be [or] was/were + S + V-ing + O


Please name and define each of the three parts of the narrative text generic structure

Orientation - the introduction of the story, including characters, place, and time

Complication - the main conflict/action of the story

Resolution - the ending of the conflict. May be positive or negative.


Please name and define any 3 of the 6 types of narrative text

Possible answers:

Fairytale: an imaginary children's story

Folk story: a traditional story passed down by word of mouth

Fable: a short story with animal characters and a moral lesson

Myth: a symbolic story of unknown origin that is told as if it were true

Legend: a traditional story that may be considered historical, but is unverified


Please write a sentence in the simple past using time markers OR write one sentence using both simple past and past progressive (interrupted action)

Many possible answers
