Incident or Accident report
Walkie Talkies
Safety protocols
Write a report?
Maslow's hierarchy of needs
A member is playing soccer in the gym, the member falls and tells you their need really hurts. We you examine the knee it is bleeding.



Who is allowed to use a walkie?

Staff only, interns or UP Next staff may use if trained on walkie use


You are with a few members near the end of the day (5:20 p.m.). Two of your members get called to leave, leaving only one member in the room with you. What should you do?

Few options:

1. Walk all three members out to the hallway. Walkie to see if there are any staff members or Club members that can come to the area you are in. Once they arrive you can go back to the area.

2. Walk all three members out to the hallway. Find a space where you and the member can go that has other members/staff. 

3. Walk all three members out to the hallway. Go up to the front desk area with the members and see in the view of front desk staff, play a game or chat with the member until pick up time. 


A member is participating in an arts and crafts project, they get a small papercut on their finger.

No need, just a band aid and check in 10 minutes later to see if they need anything or it still hurts.


A member asks to grab a drink from the drinking fountain. What do you do?

1. If there are passes available have them grab a pass and walk down to grab a drink. Make a mental note that they are leaving the room and check back in in 2-3 minutes to make sure they come back to the space with the pass. 

2. If there are no passes have them wait until another member comes back, then have them follow #1


Two members are having a disagreement about a seat at one of the activity center tables. They members call each other names and start to argue. One of the members pushes the other member further down the bench.



You need a director, how do you say this over the walkie if:

1. you need them to help deescalate an incident 

2. you have a question or need help with something 

1. I need director's name to the area you are located (straight away, promtly, immediately, at once) *said in a calm voice*

2. I need director's name to the area you are located when you have a moment. 


You are facilitating a program, and a parent walks into your classroom, what do you do?

1. If you have a second staff with you, have them walk the parent back up to the front desk.

2. If you are the only staff, ask the parent to please step out to the hall, position yourself in the doorway where you can see all members and keep an eye on the parent.

-Walkie a director or free staff to escort parent back to the front desk.


A member falls on the gym floor and scraps their knee. There is visible blood and the member is in pain.

Yes, accident report and let the front desk know of the incident (provide the report).

Provide first aid for member!


A member is visibly worried about the severe weather happening outside. You can see that they are anxious and are having a hard time participating in the activity. How do you make them feel safe at the Club?

Check in on the member, make sure they know that they are safe in the building and that you are trained to help in an emergency situation. Reassure them that it is okay to be nervous around big storms. 

Follow up with them if they are still anxious and possibly ask if there is a director available for them to have a break with.


A member walks up to you and explains that another member has been making fun of the way that they dress. The member states that it is making them uncomfortable and that they wish everyone would just leave them alone.



What channel do we use for emergencies?

Channel 1


You have been alerted that there is a fire in the building from the fire alarms what steps do you take if you have members in your room?

1. Have all members line up with you and remind members to stay with you at all times.

2. Walkie directors if you have members in the bathroom.

3. If readily available (right in the open) grab an attendance sheet or computer for MCH attendance. Grab color cards (red, green, yellow) as well.

4. Bring members out the nearest door (if safe) and have members line up once you are a safe distance away from the building. Take attendance/ count members and have your card ready to hold up for firefighters.

5. Keep members as calm as possible and deescalate any behaviors as needed.


You find members in the cubby area/bathroom area without a pass.

No, if this is there first time in the hall without a pass. Remind members of do rules and make sure they get back to activity.

*if they have been in the hallway multiple times without a pass, write an incident report


A member is having a hard time making friends at the Club, they are often isolated, stating that they "do not like it here" and they often look around when doing a group activity, but cannot join a group on their own. How do you create a sense of belonging?

Spend a little extra time getting to know the member, their interests and personality. Those conversations will let them know that you care. Once you get to know them, find some members that you think they have things in common with, or who you know are great leaders. Start to invite those members into your conversations to build the sense of belonging and trust. Those members will start to build comradery, and the member will start to feel like a part of the Club. If these steps don't have the desired result, reach out to directors for next steps.


A member is outside and falls on the basketball court, knocking her head on the ground.


Bonus 100 point if mention to alert Director of head injury.


How should you reply on the walkie if you have a member that the front desk is looking for?

-state the member's name

-state where you are located

- state roughly how long it will take the member to get to the front desk


You walk in and there are a group of members that are hanging out in the gym, you do not see a staff member with them, what do you do? 

-You ask the members what staff are with them/what program they are attending. 

-Remind them that they are not allowed in a space without a staff present 

-escort them to a program with a staff member present and make sure that staff member acknowledges that the members entered the program space. 

-remind members that they need to ask permission to leave the space


Two members collide with each other in the gym playing handball. One member hits their head on the shoulder of the other.

Yes, accident report including both members involved and give to front desk.

Even if members are fine, still report so front desk can relay to parents.


A member is really excited for today's activity, they have a great idea that they mention to you. When you open it up for members to share, this member gets excited but looks around and does not raise their hand to share their idea. You ask them after the activity why they didn't share, and they state that they are worried other might think it is silly. How do you build that member's confidence?

-Hype them up with words of recognition. 

-Encourage small group sharing or community builders to strengthen the group bonds. 

-Go over do rules before sharing, encourage all members to be respectful when other share. 

-Have members write down ideas and you read them out loud, so it is anonymous.  


Two members are having disagreement on the rules of four square. They keep picking at each other by stating that thy are not following the rules. A few rounds go by and one of the members calls out, the other member takes the ball and whips it at the member's face. The ball hits the member in the face and knocks him down. 

Incident and accident report


You move from the gym to the art room with a group of members. You are running an activity, and you notice it is very quiet. You must have left your walkie somewhere. 

Send a responsible member, with a pass, to the front desk to check if there are extra walkies or if they can get another staff to locate your walkie. 

There should always be at least one walkie in the room if there are members present.


A member is escalating after they didn't get the Tech Lab computer that they wanted. They are refusing a different computer. They appear visibly frustrated and start to slam on keyboards and push their chair over, how do you handle the situation?

-if you can, get the member to step out into the hallway where the situation can be addressed in a space without other members present, this is the best outcome (though not always possible)

-if you cannot get member to step out, remove other members to a different location if the member continues to throw or push things

-if they are not throwing/pushing things see if you can get them to a quiet spot in the room to chat about the situation and deescalate


On Monday a group of members are calling another member (M#1) unkind names, pointing and laughing at them, and they all keep looking over at this member in your program. 

On Tuesday the group takes M#1's backpack and hides it. They laugh and giggle amongst themselves and M#1 looks for their things.

On Wednesday some of the members in the group are not there, no incidents happen.

Thursday, the group individually go up to M#1 and comment on their clothes, or project they are doing. All comments are unkind and disrespectful. You don't hear all of them, but other members tell you what was said.

Friday, M#1 asks to call home to leave the Club early, when asked why they comment that they are uncomfortable and don't like coming here.

How many reports did you write this week?

5 reports total for each day. On Tuesday you should see the pattern and report to supervisor. Wednesday writes who wasn't there that day in the group (might be leaders of the group). Thursday you note what was said to M#1 and Friday you note that the problem has not resolved and escalate to supervisor that issue is persistent and need to talk with parents/guardians.


The activity today requires members to work in teams. One group of members is having a hard time with role assignments. They have given each other these roles but some members are having a hard time sticking to these role responsibilities, what can you do to help them problem solve?

-sheet printout of the responsibilities for each role

-time allotment so members can switch roles halfway through

-encourage respectful discussion of "I statements" (i.e I feel sad when you do my task, etc.)

-Lean on group leader role to help navigate/keep others on track 
