What is the direct object of this sentence?
Gatsby devotes his life to Daisy .
What is "Life"
This is an example of which literary device?
She sells sea shells down by the seashore
What is alliteration
Gatsby initially asks whom to arrange a meeting between himself and Daisy? First AND last name
Who is Jordan Baker
What is the predicate nominative in this sentence?
Gastby is a very mysterious man
What is man
When Nick is contemplating buying flowers, he says that there was no need because Gatsby ordered a " greenhouse" of flowers already. This overstatement is an example of :
What is hyperbole
Who is Gatsby's "mentor"? First AND last name
Who is Dan Cody
What is the object of the prep in this sentence ?
Gastby devotes his life to Daisy
Who is Daisy
The following sentence is an example of which literary device ?
She walked through her husband as if he were a ghost .
What is a simile
In his awkwardness due to his nerves, Gatsby knocks a particular item off of Nick's mantel. What was the object?
What is a clock
What are the subjects of this sentence ?
Gatsby and Daisy are reunited by Nick and Jordan
Who are Gatsby, Daisy
That boy is a P-I-G PIG is an example of which literary device?
What color is the tie that Gatsby wears when he reunites with Daisy?
What is gold
What are the objects of the prepositions in this sentence?
Gatsby and Daisy are reunited by Nick and Jordan
Who are Nick/ Jordan
He has the patience of Job.
Job is a Biblical character, so this sentence is an example of TWO literary devices. Which two are they?
What are allusion and metaphor
Gatsby claims he is from which "mid-west" city?
What is San Francisco