Who discovered America?
Cristobal Colon
What animal has 47 teeth?
the mosquito
Where Santa Claus live?
In Laponia
Who wrote The Quixote?
Miguel De Cervantes
What is the land animal that lays the largest egg?
What is another name for Santa Claus?
Saint Nicholas
Who was the Greek god of war?
What is the only animal visible from the space?
What is another name for a Crhristmas tree?
Who painted The Meninas?
Diego Velazquez
What is the most poisonous animal in the world?
Sea wasp
What is the name of basque Santa Claus?
When and who painted The Mona Lisa?
Leonardo Da Vinci painted The Mona Lisa around 1503 or 1504
What animal needs to close its eyes to swallow?
The toad
Where do they eat chicken for Christmas?
In Japan