These people protected Prosper in its founding
The Silver Tribe
Ehther has this many Champions
Prince Arslan of Nivaria is this race
This bubble-shaped creature can shoot jet streams of water
Faustus gives gems to these people
Generals of Faustus
This hugely influential empire ruled from year 1 to 879
The Caelian Empire
To be considered a lich by the Church, a person must be alive for how many years?
A king in the underdark, he left his throne to join the Hunter's Guild
Locus of Tartarus
The party defeated this group of enemies for their first task as a group
Giant Rats
In life, Faustus was this race
Dark Elf
What is the name of the people that became humans, elves, dwarves, and halflings?
The Gols
What is the creature that Ai the Moth worships?
The Radiance
What is the family name of the ruling Emperor in Momiji?
An ancient dragon would be classified as this rank of hunt
Before Scoingo and Arslan, this man was scouted to become the Martyr
Zhakk the Heirophant
All months have 28 days, except this one
Movys, 12th month, year's end
Raiza the Wind, God of Tempest, is on the run from his brother Zaborg ever since this incident
The Scarred Earth
The orc messiah Zham Nathir holds this title in Tevarrak
Archon, or Divine Sovereign
Besides the Gate of Truth, this is Curio's other interest
Finding The World Serpent
These creatures are remnants of Faustus' magical experiments in the past
In the year 1001, Faustus attacked Prosper which would come to be known as this war
Fealty War
These two gods were once a single being
Delg the Dark and Kuraz the Light
Bederug Kingdom is led by this proud man
King Gaspian the Mighty
These creatures can mimic voices, whisper to people from great distances, and produce a powerful scream
Faustus summons the Black Lotus to perform a wide range instant death spell called this
Garden of Entropy