What volcano in the state of Washington suddenly erupted in 1980, causing massive destruction?
Mount Saint Helens
Within 2 billion years, what is the estimated age of the universe?
15 billion years
How many pairs of legs does an insect have?
The embryo of a plant grows a tiny root and then produces its first shoot. What is this process called?
What bearlike native of Australia feeds mainly on the leaves of the eucalyptus tree?
What do you call huge rivers of ice that slowly slide down the side of certain mountains?
What do you call a celestial object that are so massive that not even light can escape its gravity?
Black hole
Why do fireflies light up?
To attract a mate
How many parents are involved in asexual reproduction?
What member of the weasel family turns its back on its enemies and squirts them with a stinky fluid?
What process are parts of the landscape worn away by wind and water?
As the moon makes one revolution around the Earth, how many rotations does it make on its own axis?
Ants and other social insects live together in groups called what?
What vitamin aids the absorption of calcium and phosphorus in your body. This helps with bone development.
Vitamin D
Swedish scientist established a prize for important advancements in science and peace?
Alfred Nobel
What do you call an artificial lake whose purpose is to collect and stormwater?
A reservoir
What is the scientific name for the constellation that we commonly call the Little Dipper?
Ursa Minor
What is the process by which a lobster changes itself so its body can grow?
What substance in the center of a flower attracts bees, and other pollinators?
In what country was paper first made from wood pulp in about 105 AD?
What do you call a mineral from which a useful or valuable metal can be extracted?
An ore
Hallie's comet was most recently seen in 1986. It is expected to return in 75 years. What year will it return?
Cat hair, bird feathers, and your fingernails are all made of this same substance.
What do you call a group of tissues that work together on a specific job within your body?
An organ
"The simplest answer is most likely the right one" is a rule called what?
Occam's Razor