In a list of three or more items, this punctuation mark separates each item.
A comma
The apostrophe in 'Sarah’s book' shows this type of relationship.
What is possession?
A semicolon is used to connect these types of clauses.
What are independent clauses?
A colon is used to introduce this.
A list
Who wrote "The Telltale Heart"?
Edgar Allan Poe
Identify the correctly punctuated sentence:
A) The big red, truck sped down the road.
B) The big, red truck sped down the road.
C) The big red truck, sped down the road.
Identify the correctly punctuated sentence:
A) The cat’s are sleeping.
B) The cats’ are sleeping.
C) The cat’s sleeping.
Identify the correctly punctuated sentence:
A) I love coffee; it helps me wake up.
B) I love coffee, it helps me wake up.
C) I love coffee: it helps me wake up.
Identify the correctly punctuated sentence:
A) I need to buy: eggs, milk, and bread.
B) I need to buy eggs, milk, and bread.
C) I need to buy the following: eggs, milk, and bread.
This popular streaming series, based on a video game, follows survivors Joel and Ellie as they navigate a post-apocalyptic world.
The Last of Us
This type of phrase, often set off by commas, provides extra information but isn’t necessary for the sentence’s meaning.
A nonessential phrase
Correct the apostrophe use in this sentence:
The childrens toys were scattered across the room.
The children’s toys were scattered across the room
I have a big test tomorrow I can’t go out tonight.
I have a big test tomorrow; I can’t go out tonight
Where does the colon go?
There was only one thing left to do pack our bags and leave.
After 'do'
This U.S. state is the only one with a one-syllable name.
Before leaving the teacher reminded the students to study for the exam.
Comma after 'leaving'
Explain the difference in meaning between "the teacher’s books" and "the teachers’ books".
The teacher’s books refers to books belonging to one teacher, while the teachers’ books refers to books belonging to multiple teachers.
Explain why this sentence is incorrect:
I love to read; especially mystery novels.
"Especially mystery novels" is not an independent clause, so a semicolon should not be used.
Explain why this sentence is incorrect:
We visited three cities: Paris, London, and the Eiffel Tower.
The Eiffel Tower is not a city
This singer broke records with the Eras Tour, which became the highest-grossing concert tour of all time.
Taylor Swift
Identify the comma splice and correct it:
The sun was setting, we decided to head home.
The sun was setting, so we decided to head home. OR The sun was setting; we decided to head home?.
Its a shame that the Smiths dog ran away from its yard.
It’s a shame that the Smiths’ dog ran away from its yard?
What punctuation mark can you usually replace a semicolon with?
A period
Rewrite the following sentence using a colon:
The reason I left early was because I wasn’t feeling well.
Varies on response
In The Lord of the Rings, this creature famously asks riddles and obsesses over the One Ring, calling it his “precious.”