The borough Cat was born in.
What is the Bronx.
What is the name of the gifted and talented program Cat was in during elementary school?
What is Astor
The class Cat and Steve met in.
What is Biology.
Cat’s favorite music artist.
Who is Beyoncé or Michael Jackson
Cat’s favorite color.
What is pink
Cat’s first job.
What is McDonald’s.
Cat’s major in college.
What is psychology.
Cat and Steve’s wedding song.
What is spend my life with you.
The musician Cat won a date with.
Who is Omarion.
Cat’s favorite actor.
Who is Will Smith.
What liquor did Cat drink so much of the night she pierced her tongue that she has never drank again (and probably never will)?
What is gin
Cat’s official job title.
What is Courtroom Deputy
Where Cat and Steve went on their honeymoon.
Where is Los Cabo’s Mexico.
Cat’s favorite concert she attended in 2024.
Who is Chris Brown
Cat’s favorite television show.
What is Law and Order SVU
The age Cat started wearing glasses.
What is two years old.
The make and model of Cat’s first car.
What is Toyota Tercel.
Is you gangsta, is you G or is you not?
What is Pop pop pop, or pop pop pop