Why didn't Dominique tell Detective Hughes about the abuse?
She was so upset and confused that she could barely think straight and didn't know she left out the abuse
How many times has Sidney Miller personally treated Dominique Stevens?
Who is Dr. Bobby Phoenix?
Executive Director of the National Center for Women's Studies and an expert on Battered Woman Syndrome
What is the definition of first-degree murder in New Columbia?
Purposeful killing of another person with deliberate and premeditated malice or by means of poison
How can case law be helpful in a trial?
It helps us understand statutory law by clarifying parts of the law that might be unclear or by showing how the law should be applied to specific situations
How many times did Dominique go to the hospital due to the beatings?
At least ten times
What did Dominique say caused her injuries?
Accidents, like falling or bumping into something in the dark
Yes, $2,500 to provide expert testimony
What is the definition of second-degree murder in New Columbia?
Killing another person with malice aforethought, but without premeditation or deliberation
What did Dominique Stevens say when she called 911 on December 24?
"I just shot my husband"
What did Donovan tell Dominique about contacting her family?
He told her she couldn't call or see them anymore and locked his phone
What did Sidney Miller say about women denying being victims of abuse?
Denial is common and many women do not admit their partner is abusing them
What is learned helplessness?
Where the victim comes to believe that no matter what they do, they cannot stop or escape the abuse
What is the definition of voluntary manslaughter in New Columbia?
The unlawful killing of another person during a sudden quarrel or heat of passion
Was Betty Moran's husband awake or asleep when she shot him? (New Columbia v. Moran)
What did Donovan say to Dominique the night before she left for the shelter?
"Next time, I'll take care of you for good"
What did Sidney Miller think about Dominique's injuries on June 12?
They were the worst she'd seen and Dominique was lucky to be alive
How many abused women attempt to leave at least once and what often happens to them?
80-90% try to leave at least once, but many are killed by their abusers when they try to escape
What is the definition of involuntary manslaughter in New Columbia?
The unlawful killing of another person: while committing an unlawful act that is not a felony, or while committing a lawful act in an unlawful manner or without due caution, which results in death
What are the three pieces of evidence?
Why did Dominique say she shot Donovan?
She realized she only had one choice to protect her children and herself
What did Dominique say to the police officer Sidney called?
She denied asking for help and claimed her injuries were from falling off a ladder
What does Dr. Phoenix think shaped Dominique's actions on December 24?
Her actions were shaped by BWS and her belief that her life was in immediate danger
What is the definition of self-defense in New Columbia?
To successfully claim self-defense, a defendant must prove: they faced an unprovoked attack; the threat of injury or death was immediate; the force used was objectively reasonable; and they had a reasonable fear of being injured or killed if they did not act
Can someone claim self-defense if it later turns out that they were not actually in danger?