Define Values
Something you care alot about
If someone values being creative what committed actions would you use?
Making time to create, joining a paint class
When we talk about committed actions we can say "No mud....
No lotus!
what group member loves flashy accessories?
Define Committed actions
The actions you do that move you towards the things you value
If someone values acedemics what committed actions would you use?
submitting assignments on time, doing homework
when we talk about "Self as Context" you are the....and your thoughts and feels are like ..... that float by
Sky & weather
Who usually sits in the very middle of all the seats at the table
Define acceptance
Knowing that sometimes we have to do things we don't enjoy because they are in line with our values
If someone values friendship what committed action would they do?
Go places to meet new friends, call/text your friends, make plans with your friends
When you are doing you committed action you are living a _________ driven life
Who has had the most changes in hairstyle during group?
Define Self as Context
Know you there is a true you an other thoughts, actions or feelings may come and go but you are always you
If you value independance what committed actions would you use?
Thinking of defusion - When our thoughts or feelings on "the bus" are really loud and negative we can say
"Thanks for ___ _________" and we keep doing our committed actions
"Thanks for the Feedback!"
who brought homemade treat for thier group members?
Define Defusion
Not attaching to the thoughts and feelings that are coming up when you act in a way that aligns with your values.
If you value wealth what committed actions can you do?
work for an allowance, get an afterschool job
Name a mindfulness activity you can use to get into the present momment
Who makes the most jokes at group