What are the Old Testament stories that include water in the story? Give me at least 2
Creation Story, Noah, Parting of the red sea
This is the part of RCIA that the "inquirer" gets to know the Catholic Church.
Period of ......
Period of Inquiry
This Third step is celebrated usually on Holy Saturday. The elect get fully initiated into the Church.
Celebration of the Sacrament of initiation
this is the name Jesus gave for the Holy Spirit. Jesus said at the last supper he would sent this to help the Apostles
Who is the New Testament prophet who recognizes Jesus as the Messiah?
John the Baptist
This is the first "step" where the inquirer publicly declares their intention to follow Christ and are accepted as catechumens
Rite of acceptance of Catechumens
these are the sacraments of initiation
baptism, confirmation, eucharist
This is how the Church in the East differs from the Church in the West.
The three sacraments of initiation are never separated even to infants.
What prophet had a vision of "Dry bones" that came to life from the Spirit
This period has the Catechumen grow in 1)Catechesis 2)Spiritual development 3)Liturgy 4)Apostolic Witness
Period of Catechumenate
the period after Step 3 where the newly initiated Catholic are called neophytes. They grow to deepen their grasp of the sacraments and the Church
Period of......
period of mystagogy
This is the essential rite of Confirmation
anointing the forehead with sacred Chrism together with laying on of the minister's hand and words
What prophet said "But a shoot shall sprout from the stump of Jesse, and from his roots a bud shall blossom. The Spirit of wisdom and understanding, strength, knowledge, fear of the Lord and piety"
This "Step" has the catechumen's name be written in a book. They are not called the "elect"
Rite of election or enrollment of names
These are two signs that signify the new life a newly baptized person has received
white garment and lighted candle
This is what the Bishop or minister says during the sacrament of Confirmation
"Be sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit"
"Peace be with you"
What was the feast day the Apostles were celebrating when the Holy Spirit came upon them?
This is the time before the elect receives the sacraments of initiation
Period of Purification and Enlightenment
this is perfumed olive oil consecrated by the bishop that is used for Baptism, Confirmation and Holy Orders
Sacred Chrism
What does Confirmation do?
The Sacrament strengthens and confirms the graces and Gifts of the Holy Spirit received in Baptism.