qaysi turdagi film odatda qo'rqinchli?
where do you watch films in a cinema?
on a big screen
which is the largest ocean in the world?
pacific ocean
Taklifnomada qaysi ibora keng tarqalgan?
a) "Keyinroq ko'rishguncha!"
b) "Sizni taklif qilishdi!"
c) "Men ochman!"
d) "Tanishganimdan xursandman!"
you are invited
what happenes when the film starts in the cinema?
the lights go off
which type of film is based on real events?
what do you need to enter the cinema?
a ticket
boshqa davlatga uchish uchun qaysi transportdan foydalaniladi?
Taklifnomaning oxirida nima yozishingiz mumkin?
a) "Eng yaxshi tilaklar"
b) "Abadiy xayr"
c) "Keyingi yil ko'rishguncha"
d) "Keyinroq qayta urinib ko'ring"
best wishes
what kind of film usually has superheroes?
which type of film often includes time or futuristic technology?
science fiction
Nima uchun odamlar kino chiptalarini oldindan bron qilishadi?
a) Yaxshiroq o'rindiqlarni olish uchun
b) Filmni uyda tomosha qilish uchun
c) Chunki ular bepul
d) Treylerlarni tomosha qilmaslik uchun
Yaxshiroq o'rindiqlarni olish uchun
What is an essential document when traveling abroad?
a) A driving license
b) A passport
c) A school ID card
d) A library card
A passport
Ulardan qaysi biri taklifnomaning bir qismi emas?
a) Kim taklif qilinadi
b) hodisaning sababi
c) dunyo xaritasi
d) voqea joyi
a map of the world
Taklifnomada qanday ma'lumotlar muhim?
a) voqea sanasi va vaqti
b) ob-havo ma'lumoti
c) xaridlar ro'yxati
d) hikoya
voqea sanasi va vaqti
Triller va dahshatli film o'rtasidagi asosiy farq nima?
Triller ko'proq harakatga ega, dahshat esa qo'rquvga qaratilgan
Film treyleridan maqsad nima?
Filmni oldindan ko'rish uchun
Why do travelers need a visa?
a) To book a flight
b) To exchange money
c) To enter certain countries legally
d) To get free accommodation
To enter certain countries legally
Why is it important to include an RSVP in an invitation?
a) To let guests know the event is private
b) To ask guests to confirm their attendance
c) To tell guests what to wear
d) To give guests a free gift
To ask guests to confirm their attendance
Qaysi film janrida detektiv sirni yechish ehtimoli ko'proq?
a) Komediya
b) jinoyat/detektiv
c) Fantaziya
d) romantika
Jinoyat / Detektiv
Ushbu filmlardan qaysi biri animatsion bo'lishi mumkin?
a) hujjatli film
b) romantik komediya
c) fantastik film
d) Multfilm
Nima uchun kinoteatrlar kino paytida yorug'likni o'chiradi?
a) odamlarga uxlashda yordam berish
b) Qo'rqinchli muhit yaratish
c) Ekranni ko'rishni osonlashtirish uchun
d) elektr energiyasini tejash uchun
Ekranni ko'rishni osonlashtirish uchun
What is the main reason for time zone differences in different countries?
a) Different seasons
b) The Earth’s rotation
c) The distance from the equator
d) Population density
The Earth’s rotation
What is the best way to make an invitation more formal?
a) Use polite and professional language
b) Add jokes and funny pictures
c) Use bright colors and emojis
d) Make it as short as possible
Use polite and professional language
What is a common way to invite someone to a business meeting?
a) Sending a text message
b) Sending a formal email or letter
c) Calling them at night
Sending a formal email or letter