The nosotros form of the helping verb.
What is hemos?
The past participle form of comer.
What is comido?
The past participle of ver.
What is visto?
Yo ________________ (bailar) en una fiesta.
What is he bailado.
You have done a lot today.
What is tu has hecho mucho hoy?
The tu form of haber.
What is has?
The past participle form of estar.
What is estado?
The past participle of escribir.
What is escrito?
Julissa y yo __________ (montar) a caballo en la playa.
What is hemos montado?
Yo he ganado la lotería.
What is I have won the lottery?
The el/ella form of haber.
What is ha?
The past participle of hablar.
What is hablado?
The past participle of romper.
What is roto?
Marco y Marcos __________ (ir) de pesca.
What is han ido?
Miguel and I have talked to the police.
What is Miguel y yo hemos hablado con la policía?
The yo form of haber.
What is he?
The past participle of correr.
What is corrido?
The past participle of poner.
What is puesto?
Tu __________ (ver) la película "Barbie" diez veces.
What is has visto?
Hunter ha terminado todo excepto su proyecto.
What is Hunter has finished everything except his project?
The ellos form of haber.
What is han?
The past participle form of ir.
What is ido?
The past participle of hacer.
What is hecho?
El perro de Bella __________ (morir).
What is ha muerto?
Isabella y Raúl han comido tacos de al pastor.
What is Isabella and Raul have eaten tacos of pastor?