Managing Strong Emotions
Getting Active

All core emotions have associated urges to act. 

To review the emotions fear and anger and their associated action urges. (e.g., Fear: avoid, hide, get reassurance, fight; Anger: attack, yell, fight, insult). 

What is a behavior that you’d expect from intense feelings of sadness?

withdraw, isolate, lie on the couch, etc. 


True or False: When we are feeling down or low, we tend to stay inside, be by ourselves, and lie around. If we do this it can make those “low” feelings better.

false - research shows that isolating and engaging in low energy activities can worsen “low” feelings


True or False: Stress is a normal response to demanding circumstances in our lives.



True or False: Self-care is a unique set of healthy activities we do for ourselves to care for our physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.



Name an example of a situation in which acting on strong emotions would be unhelpful.

fighting with and insulting a friend because you’re angry, laying on the couch all weekend and avoiding friends because you’re sad


Fill in the Blank: ___________ is a specific type of opposite action for when you are feeling down or have low energy.

getting active


True or False: Stress is always unhelpful.

false - stress can be both helpful and unhelpful


Name a self-care activity that would help support your basic needs.

sleeping 8 hours per night, drinking water regularly, limiting junk food, wearing clothing appropriate for the season, exercising, etc. 


One way to think about how to change our emotions is to think about what behavior is the opposite of what our emotion is making us want to do. 

For example: if your anger is making you want to attack, you could leave the room and take some deep breaths instead.

Complete the following fill-in-the-blank: “If feeling sad is making you want to ___________, you could __________ instead.)

Answers will vary slightly for both blanks

“If feeling sad is making you want to lie in bed, you could go for a run or get together with a friend instead”


Name an example of a physical activity you do in your own life and describe how it impacts your mood.

Answers will vary

must name both an activity and how it impacts their mood


When stress is negatively affecting our mood and behaviors, we can use relaxation strategies to help calm our minds and bodies.

Name a relaxation strategy you could use to help calm your mind and body.

progressive muscle relaxation, calm breathing, cloud relaxation, etc.


Name a self-care activity that would help support your emotional needs.

prioritizing time to spend with supportive family members and friends, joining a club or sports team with similar interests to yours, sending a card to someone or doing another kind act, changing or ending unhelpful relationships, etc.


Name an example of an up-regulating activity (activities that increase energy) that students could engage in either at home or at school.

doing jumping jacks, playing a game of basketball, dancing, splashing face with cold water


Sometimes barriers get in the way of people getting active. 

What is one barrier you could encounter when attempting to get active?

the weather, too much homework, too tired, negative thoughts and feelings, etc.


Relaxation strategies will be more helpful when we’re feeling stressed if we practice them regularly.

Name a time or situation when you might be able to use or practice a relaxation strategy.

daily before bed to help sleep, before a test or quiz to help focus, etc.


Name a self-care activity that would help support your spiritual and fulfillment needs.

practicing basketball, drawing or a skill of interest for 15 minutes daily, learning a new language, reading for leisure daily, working with a teacher to improve math grades, etc.


Name an example of a down-regulating activity (activities that decrease energy) that students could engage in either at home or at school.

going for a nature walk, drinking a warm beverage, belly breathing, listening to music, journaling


Guide the class through a relaxation technique. 



Name one self-care activity you would like to do more regularly and provide an example of something that will make it more likely for you to follow-through.

