What are the home row keys for the left hand on a QWERTY keyboard?
A, S, D, F
What is the middle row of letters on a standard QWERTY keyboard called?
The home row
What is the standard typing position called where fingers rest on A, S, D, F, J, K, L, and ;?
The home row position
What row is located directly above the home row on a QWERTY keyboard?
The Top Row
Where should your fingers be placed before you start typing?
Home Row
What are the home row keys for the right hand on a QWERTY keyboard?
J, K, L, ;
Which two keys on the home row have raised bumps to help with finger placement?
F and J
Which hand is responsible for the semicolon (;) key in proper typing technique?
Right hand
Which finger is used to press the "K" key in proper typing technique
Right Middle Finger
Which hand should press the "D" key?
Left Hand
What key should your thumbs rest on when using proper home row positioning?
The space bar
Which finger is responsible for pressing the ‘A’ key?
Left pinky finger
What should your fingers do when not actively typing a key?
Return to the home row
What is the proper posture for typing?
Sit straight, elbows at 90 degrees, and wrists slightly elevated
How do you improve typing accuracy?
Practice regularly and focus on correct finger placement
Which finger should press the ‘G’ key when following proper home row typing technique?
Left index finger
How many total letter keys are in the home row on a QWERTY keyboard?
Which key is directly under the "S" key on a standard keyboard?
Which key is directly to the right of the "L" key?
Semicolon (;)
Which key is located directly above the "F" key?
The R Key
What is the primary benefit of keeping fingers on the home row while typing?
Increased speed and accuracy
Why do the F and J keys have raised bumps?
To help typists find the home row without looking at the keyboard
What is touch typing?
Typing without looking at the keyboard by using muscle memory
What is the average typing speed for an adult who has practiced touch typing?
Around 40-60 words per minute
What is the fastest recorded typing speed using a QWERTY keyboard?
216 words per minute (by Stella Pajunas in 1946)