What is the False Cause fallacy?
Assuming that because one event followed another, the first caused the second.
What is the Strawman Fallacy?
Misrepresenting an opponent’s argument to make it easier to attack.
Why is saying "Vaccinations cause autism" an example of a False Cause fallacy?
It assumes causation without scientific proof.
How is "People who support environmental laws just want to destroy businesses" a Strawman Fallacy?
It misrepresents environmentalists’ arguments.
Which fallacy is at play: "My friend failed math after eating junk food, so junk food causes bad grades"?
False Cause.
"Every time I wear my lucky socks, my team wins!" What fallacy is this?
False Cause (Correlation does not imply causation).
"You think we should reduce military spending? You must want our country to be defenseless!" What fallacy is this?
Strawman Fallacy
Why do people sometimes believe in "lucky charms" based on False Cause?
They link unrelated events based on coincidence.
Why is "If you support gun control, you want to ban all guns" a Strawman argument?
It distorts the argument by making it extreme.
"You think we should raise taxes? You just want to take away everyone’s money!" Which fallacy?
Strawman Fallacy.
"I failed my test because I didn’t eat breakfast." This is an example of a False Cause Fallacy in what context?
Related to school performance.
"You don’t want school uniforms? So you think students should wear pajamas to class?" is a Straw Man Fallacy in what context?
In a debate about school uniforms/dress code.
Why is blaming video games for violence an example of a False Cause fallacy?
Correlation does not imply causation; many factors contribute to violence.
How do politicians use the Strawman Fallacy in debates?
They oversimplify or exaggerate opponents’ views to attack them.
"Every time my cat scratches the couch, it rains the next day." Which fallacy?
False Cause.
How does the False Cause fallacy relate to superstitions?
Many superstitions assume causation without evidence (e.g., breaking a mirror causing bad luck).
Why is the Strawman Fallacy misleading in discussions?
It distracts from the real argument by attacking a distorted version.
How do False Cause fallacies contribute to conspiracy theories?
They connect unrelated events to create misleading causal claims.
Why is "If you don’t like this law, you must hate our country" a Strawman?
It misrepresents criticism as lack of patriotism.
"People against school prayer hate religion." Which fallacy?
Strawman Fallacy.
As elections in Belize approach, if the PUP wins the majority, how might people mistakenly link this outcome to other negative events occurring in the country, assuming causation where none exists? What Fallacy would this be?
It will imply False Cause Fallacy on the PUP.
How can you counter a Strawman Fallacy in a debate?
Correct the misrepresentation and clarify your actual argument.
Is the statement "Stock market crashes are caused by social media trends" a False Cause fallacy? Yes or No.
Yes, stock markets are influenced by complex financial systems, not just social media.
How can the media use Strawman Fallacies to manipulate public opinion?
By misrepresenting opposing views to make them seem unreasonable.
"Global warming isn’t real because winters are still cold." Which fallacy?
False Cause.