"The caged bird sings of freedom."
Maya Angelou
6x + 20 = 38
x = 3
forms in the deeper regions of the Earth’s crust and in the uppermost layers of the mantle where the temperature and pressure are very high.
6 + 3 × 2
A poem that celebrates a subject.
An Ode
"Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary,"
Edgar Allan Poe
2y - 7 = 9
y = 8
King _______ builds a great Temple in the
capital of Israel.
(5 + 3) × 4
Meant to tell a funny story
Has 5 lines
Has the rhyme scheme AABBA
Name the poem by Edgar Allen Poe:
"What a tale of terror, now, their turbulency tells!"
The Bells
2(y+6) = 20
y = 4
The Chinese Dynasty that came after the Qin Dynasty.
The Han Dynasty
8 + 12 ÷ 4 − 2
Has 3 lines
1st: 5 syllables
2nd: 7 syllables
3rd: 5 syllables
"Shall I Compare thee to a Summer's Day?"
William Shakespeare
6y − 7 = 5y + 8
y = 15
a horseshoe-shaped area around the edges of the Pacific Ocean basin that is characterized by frequent earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. This region is home to about 75% of the world's active and dormant volcanoes, and approximately 90% of the world's earthquakes occur here.
The Ring of Fire
8 + 6 × (3 + 2) − 4
A poem that is meant to be sung
Tells a story (often sad)
Usually have refrains
Simple rhyme schemes
A Ballad
I go boo
Make them shoo
Maya Angelou
3x + 2x - x = 20
x = 5
They led a revolt in the 160s BC that established an independent kingdom of Israel.
The Maccabees
( 3 + 8 ÷ 4) × 2 − 5
A poem with 14 lines
Each line contains 10 syllables
Written in iambic pentameter (alternating stressed and unstressed syllables)
A Sonnet