This person was the first one to put up their holiday tree this year.
Valerie Hartwart
Team "Elf" and team "reindeer" were team names to this holiday game.
This is what is represented by the 10th digit in a CCN.
"Claim type"
What main folder can you find the CDDR folder under?
Claim Services Folder
Employees are instructed to do this when stepping away from their workspace?
Lock your computer
Most recent winner of the 50/50 raffle.
Valerie Debone
This examiner has (twin) cats Milo & Jasper
This is the next step to take if no information on the provider screen is able to resolve a UA and the claim is coded correctly.
Emailing provider data
Where do you go to make a suggestion to update or add information to a CDDR?
Halo Ticketing System
Using two factor or Multi factor authentication to create this number is extremely important when working remote.
A strong passcode
Name each of the members of the fun committee.
Christy, Robyn, Conor, Valerie, Emma & Tracey
This examiner had a Mario (and Yoshi) themed Halloween.
This kind of OHC does not require an EOB for claim payment.
Pay & chase
Name at least 5 people on the CDDR committee.
Albert, Danielle, Cindy, Valerie D, Nancy, Chris, Stevie, Krystina, Suzanna, Christy, Conor
A set of principles and rules that outline the expectations of both the employer and employees when work is being carried out remotely.
Remote work policy
Longest tenure in the Claims Department-
Lulu (38 years)
This Pacific Northwest town is the home of Gary Ashburn
Tacoma, Washington
A claim paid like this will ignore frequency and pricing denials and result in an actual payment.
Paying at a percentage of billed charges
The OTA CDDR states Cedar Sinai should be paid according to this region's rates.
Region 18
Team meetings require employees to comply with these 2 main rules-
Always have Video turned on and do not work on claims during meetings
The most recent edition of the Claims Corner Newsletter (which edition #).
The 53rd addition
This examiner's favorite song is the 10-minute version of "All Too Well".
Many of Dignity's claims are paid this way.
This CDDR houses the link to the Service Groupings (SCG) list.
CCS and CC pend CDDR
25 minutes or more to resolve your claim.
Production Gap