What disease is present at birth?
Type 1 diabetes
Symptoms of allergies?
sweating, watery eyes, swelling of tongue
Lifestyle factors
smoking, sun tanning, lack of exercise, unhealthy eating habits, alcohol consumption
What is a disease that can be spread from person to person.
Communicable disease.
Enviromental factors
smog and polluted air
How could you get type 2 diabetes?
Eating unhealthily, and not getting enough exercise
What helps people overcome allergies for long term?
What is rapid and uncontrolled in cancer?
Abnormal cells
How are communicable diseases spread?
cough, touch, sneezing
To prevent non-communicable diseases what should you reduce
Reduce stress
How does stress effect type 2 diabetes?
Define allergy
an abnormal immune reaction to an ordinary harmless substance
What can cause cancer
What is the cause of communicable disease?
What should you AVOID
Tabacco and excessive amounts of alcohol
What disease can be caused by type 2 diabetes
heart and blood vessel
What is released when you have allergies?
What are the two types of tumors?
Benign, Malignant
What are the 3 things communicable diseases can be transferred to.
other people, animals, or objects
What non- communicable disease could you get from lifestyle choices?
Type 2 diabetes, heart disease, cancer
What do you feel when you have nerve damage in limbs.
tingling, numbness, burning, and pain or eventual loss of feeling in toes and fingers
This is released when the immune system triggers a non-specific response
What is benign?
harmless tumor that stays in one place
What are the 4 major pathogens?
2. Viruses
4. Parasites
What non-communicable diseases are present at birth
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, Down Syndrome, Type 1 Diabetes