This pigment is derived from burning and grinding down bone
What is bone black
This pigment, called Ultramarine, is made from this material
What is Lapis Lazuli
This is the most common answer to the question, "What is your favourite colour?"
What is blue
These three colours are considered the primary colours in art education materials
What are red, blue and yellow
This popular colour in the 19th century was made from arsenic, also known as Copper arsenite
What is Scheele's green
The pigment Indian Yellow is made using this material
What is cow urine from cows fed on mango leaves
Women were expected to wear this colour of lipstick to show solidarity with the US war effort in WW2
What is Victory Red
These three colours are the primary for most printers
What are cyan, magenta and yellow
This is pigment is not allowed to be used by Anish Kapoor
What is the 'pinkest pink' by Stuard Semple
This brown pigment was made from a morally questionable source and only went out of production when the supply ran out
What is Mummy Brown
This colour has been trademarked by a famous jewellery store since 1998
What is Tiffany Blue
These three colours are considered primary in an additive colour model in which light is mixed
What are red, green, blue
This colour is called Ultramarine Red
What is purple
This pigment, known as Tyrian purple or imperial dye, was made of this
What is crushed sea snails
Anish Kapoor has exclusive rights to use this paint in artistic applications, and as a response, Jason Chare has created an alternative for it
What is Vantablack
These are the three types of cone cells in the eye that allow us to perceive colour
What are red, green, blue
This pigment was made from Mountain Dew
What is a yellowish phlegm colour
This bright red pigment called Carmine is derived from carminic acid and made from this material
What is boiling scale insects in ammonia
Traces of fossilised chlorophyll detected inside ancient rocks are the oldest sample of an organic pigment by 600 million years and is, shockingly, this colour
What is pink
Oliver Olds' "The Trinity of Color, or the Law of Chromatics, or How to Paint" used the term trinity to refer to this
What is the trinity of races