End Time & the Unseen
Pillars of Islam & Iman
Islamic History
Children of the Prophets

Who will be the first person to enter Jannah?

Prophet Muhammad ﷺ


What are the five pillars of Islam?

Shahada (faith), Salah (prayer), Zakat (charity), Sawm (fasting), and Hajj (pilgrimage).


During which battle did Allah send down angels to assist the Muslims against the Quraysh?

The Battle of Badr


Who were the two sons of Prophet Adam عليه السلام who had a famous dispute?

Habil and Qabil (Abel and Cain)


What is illegal to do with a fish in Pennsylvania?

A) Dance with it
B) Put it in your pocket
C) Catch it using dynamite
D) Teach it tricks
(Answer: A) Dance with it


What is Barzakh, and what happens there?

Barzakh is the life in the grave where souls wait for Judgment Day; believers experience peace, while disbelievers face punishment


Name the six articles of faith (Iman).

Belief in Allah, angels, books, prophets, Day of Judgment, and Qadr.


What was the name of the treaty that the Prophet ﷺ signed with the Quraysh, agreeing to peace for ten years?

The Treaty of Hudaybiyyah.


Which son of Prophet Dawud (David) عليه السلام became a prophet and ruled over a great kingdom?

Prophet Sulaiman (Solomon) عليه السلام


What happens if you lift a kangaroo’s tail off the ground?

(Answer: B) It loses balance and falls (They use their tails for support!)


Name three major signs of the Day of Judgment.

The Dajjal, the return of Isa (AS), and the sun rising from the west.)


What is the difference between Fard Zakat and Sadaqah?

Zakat is a mandatory 2.5% of wealth given to eligible recipients, while Sadaqah is voluntary charity that can be given anytime and to anyone.


What year is known as the "Year of Sorrow" (Aam al-Huzn)?

The year when Prophet Muhammad ﷺ lost his wife Khadijah (RA) and his uncle Abu Talib.


Which prophet had twelve sons, and one of them was Prophet Yusuf عليه السلام?

Prophet Yaqub (Jacob)


Which of these weird phobias is real?

A) Anatidaephobia – Fear that somewhere, a duck is watching you
B) Carpophobia – Fear of eating carrots
C) Sockophobia – Fear of wearing socks
D) Phoneophobia – Fear of cellphones ringing
(Answer: A) Anatidaephobia (It’s not an official phobia, but it's commonly joked about!)


How can we protect ourselves from the Dajjal?

By memorizing the first 10 verses of Surah Al-Kahf, making du’a for protection, and strengthening our Iman


What does the word "Zakat" mean, and how much must be given?

It means "purification," and 2.5% of a Muslim’s wealth must be given to charity if they meet the Nisab threshold.)


Who was the commander who led the Muslim conquest of Jerusalem and refused to enter the city except in humble clothing?

Umar ibn Al-Khattab رضي الله عنه


Name the four daughters of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ.

Zainab, Ruqayyah, Umm Kulthum, and Fatimah


What bizarre fact is true about octopuses?

A) They have three hearts
B) They can turn invisible
C) They never sleep
D) They can regrow their brains
(Answer: A) They have three hearts! 🐙 (Two pump blood to the gills, one pumps to the rest of the body.)


Which three questions will every soul be asked in the grave, and by which angels? And what happens based on the answers?

  1. Who is your Lord? (Answer: Allah)
  2. What is your religion? (Answer: Islam)
  3. Who is your prophet? (Answer: Muhammad ﷺ)
  • If answered correctly: The grave expands, a window to Jannah opens, and the soul experiences peace.
  • If answered incorrectly: The grave tightens, a window to Hellfire opens, and the soul suffers until the Day of Judgment.)

What are the conditions for a valid Salah (prayer)?

1) Purity – Must have wudu (ablution) or ghusl (full purification) if required

2) Proper clothing – Must cover the ‘awrah (private parts) according to Islamic guidelines.

3) Facing the Qiblah – Must face the Kaaba in Makkah.

4) Correct time – Must pray within the correct time frame for each prayer.

5) Intention (Niyyah) – Must have the correct intention before beginning the prayer.

6) Mental focus (Khushu') – Should be mindful and respectful during prayer.)


Who was the famous Muslim general known as "The Conqueror of Constantinople", fulfilling a prophecy of the Prophet ﷺ?

Sultan Muhammad Al-Fatih (Mehmed II)


Which son of Prophet Yaqub (Jacob) عليه السلام was falsely accused and imprisoned in Egypt, and how did he later rise to power?

Prophet Yusuf عليه السلام was falsely accused of wrongdoing by the wife of Al-Aziz and was imprisoned. Through Allah’s wisdom, he interpreted the king’s dream about a coming famine, which led to his release. He was later appointed as a high-ranking minister in Egypt, responsible for managing the food supply and saving the people from starvation


What weird thing happens if you try to hum while holding your nose?
A) Your ears start ringing
B) You instantly stop breathing
C) Your voice gets super deep
D) You sound like a kazoo

(Answer: B) You instantly stop breathing! 🤐 (Humming requires airflow, and if your nose is blocked, no air can escape!)
