When you mix white and red, what colors do you get?
What is the name of the animation company credited for making movies like Toy Story, Cars, and Inside Out?
What is Pixar?
What are the little blue people called?
What are smurfs?
I live in room 242 and my name is a number, what am I?
What is a snake?
What is a good meal to eat when you are sick?
What is soup?
How much stars on the USA flag?
What is 50?
What country is the band "Stray Kids" from?
What is South Korea?
Who is the yellow guy in the shape of a sponge?
Who is spongebob?
I live in a cage and run on a wheel, what am I?
What is a hamster?
What is the largest fast food chain in the world?
What is McDonalds?
What sport did Mr. Sowers coach?
What is basketball?
Who is Beyonce married to?
Who is Jay-Z?
He is the captain of the Black Pearl and main character in the pirates of the Caribbean.
Who is Jack Sparrow?
I like to use my long tongue to eat leaves from tops of trees.
I don't have to climb up though. With my long neck, it's a breeze.
What is a giraffe?
What vegetable is used to make pickles?
What is a cucumber?
How many months have 28 days?
What is all of them?
What was Nemo's father's name?
Who is Marlin?
Who is the green alien from Star Wars?
Who is Yoda?
He's small but he can climb a tower.
What is an Ant?
This fast food restaurant is known for their chicken, people love their original sauce and they are closed 1 day during the week.
What is chick fil a?
What food is Mr. E allergic too?
What is beef?
What is the highest grossing movie of all time?
He is a mean, green, hairy guy. Often associated with a holiday.
Who is the Grinch?
I can jump, I can swim, I swing from tree to tree and I make a house much bigger than myself.
What am I?
What is a spider?
What is the luxury food that consists of fish eggs?
What is Caviar?