Who was the 2nd prophet?
Brigham Young
What is the name of the first hymn?
The Morning Breaks
Under what prophet was the Salt Lake temple finished?
Wilford Woodruff
Even if everyone is doing it wrong is never right
Russel M. Nelson
In what book is Mosiah mentioned in?
Joseph F. Smith
How many oxen are there supporting the baptismal font?
God rarely moves the mountains in front of us, but he always helps us climb them.
Sheri Dew
in what book was Zarahemna destroyed in?
Which prophet was born in Missouri?
Joseph F. Smith
Is Amazing Grace in the hymn book?
What was the first temple in Utah?
The St. George temple
Faith precedes the miracle
Spencer W. Kimball
Who wrote the title page of the Book of Mormon?
Which prophet had a bullet lodged in his leg that was never found?
Gordon B. Hinckley
How many temples do not have the angel Moroni?
15. Though there are 66 temple renderings that do not have the angel Moroni. Once those are built, the total number will be 81
Prayer unlocks the power of heaven in our behalf. Be prayerful. You cannot make it alone. You cannot reach your potential alone. You need the help of the Lord.
Gordon B. Hinckley
because of a powerful spiritual transformation that he experienced.
Under which prophet was the Fort Lauderdale temple built?
Thomas S Monson
How many hymns are there in the current hymn book?
How many temples are there in America?
A prophet stands beside you and points the way to the savior.
Neil L. Anderson
What was the names of Ammon's brethren?
Aaron, Omni, Himni