What is the meaning of Shahada?
the declaration of faith in one God
What is the meaning Salah?
the act of offering prayers to Allah
What is the meaning of Zakat?
giving to charity
What is the meaning of Sawm?
a religious fast
What is the meaning of Hajj?
the pilgrimage to the holy city of Mecca
True or False: Shahada is recited as part of Adhan.
In what position do Muslims pray?
Bowing down
When is zakat most significant?
during Ramadan
What is the purpose of Sawm?
to worship Allah
True or False: The Shahadah is only recited during the Islamic call to prayer.
How many times do Muslims have to pray a day?
5 times a day
What is the minimum wealth threshold for zakat called?
What does the concept of "tawhid" represent within Shahada?
What is Khushoo'?
a state of humilty, tranquility, and focus during prayer
How much do Muslims pay in Zakat?
2.5% of their wealth
What phrase do you have to say to declare your faith to Islam?
"There is no God but God"
What do Muslims recite at the start of prayers?
The opening chapter of the Qur'an
Who collects Zakat?
Muslim Ummah
Name two groups exempted from Sawm
physically or mentally unwell
under the age of twelve years old
very old
Pregnant, breast-feeding, menstruating, or traveling