The French Revolution began in this year.
The Haitian Revolution began in this year.
The revolution in West Africa began in this year.
The Latin American revolutions began in this year.
The ideals of this document included:
1. men are born free and equal
2. the purpose of government is to protect liberty, property, and security
3. due process (rule of law)
4. freedom of speech
Declaration of the Rights of Man
This leader of the Committee on Public Safety actually opposed capital punishment before advocating for the death of King Louis XVI and countless others during the Reign of Terror.
Maximilien Robespierre
This man was NOT the leader of the Haitian, but he did organize the first uprising against plantation owners at a meeting known as the First Haitian Congress.
Boukman Dutty
This man was the leader of the West African revolution in 1804.
Uthman dan Fodio
These two European powers controlled most of the Americas prior to the Latin American revolutions.
Spain and Portugal
This Enlightenment ideal means that no ruler should have total power.
Opposition to absolutism
This French general would defeat most of Europe's armies, rise to power, become First Consul, and eventually declare himself Emperor of France.
Napoleon Bonaparte
After the revolution, the new government of Haiti was forced to pay these to France, which stifled the country's economic growth.
While many revolutions of the era were inspired by Enlightenment ideas, the revolution in West Africa was formed around ideas from this religion.
This general successfully fought Spanish forces and created a short-lived “Gran Columbia” between 1819 and 1830.
Simon Bolivar
This enlightenment ideal means governments should let markets operate with minimal interference.
Free market capitalism
Who were the members of the First Estate, and what were their privileges?
Clergy - paid no taxes, owned 20% of the land, and collected tithe.
This decision by Napoleon pushed Saint Domingue to declare independence from France.
Reinstating slavery in the colonies.
This was the name of the new government established in West Africa following the revolution in 1804.
Sokoto Caliphate
1821 saw several colonies declare their independence from which European power.
The Baron de Montesquieu argued that power should not be concentrated in just one person. Instead, he called for this ideal.
Separation of Powers
What were the long term causes of the French Revolution?
1. Absolutism
2. Old Regime/Estates System
3. Poor harvests
4. Enlightenment ideas
Known as the black George Washington, L'ouverture defeated Napoleon Bonaparte's forces and outmaneuvered these other two European nations to lead Saint Domingue to independence.
Spain and England
In addition to limiting the powers of rulers, the revolution in West Africa also limited slavery for this group of people.
Free-born Muslims
Simón Bolívar sought help from this newly independent nation in his efforts to liberate Latin America from Spanish rule.
Some Enlightenment thinkers saw groups such as women, ethnic minorities, and enslaved people as inherently inferior to white men - contradicting this ideal.