The French serve it with vinaigrette; the Germans serve it hot; we make it with great gobs of mayonnaise for picnics
Potato Salad
This outdoor Hawaiian feast often features a roast pig
a luau
Romanian developed from this language of the ancient Romans
In New York City, if you order "regular coffee", you'll get it with these 2 items added
Cream and Sugar
"Bull Moose"
Theodore Roosevelt
It gets its name because it contains the wax, green & kidney types
Three Bean Salad
From the Latin for "castle", it's a French castle or manor house
Athenians speak the Attic dialect of this language
A superior coffee variety is named for this district on the island of Hawaii
"The Father of the University of Virginia"
Thomas Jefferson
This salad topped with crumbled cheese is named for a restaurateur, not a Detroit Tiger legend
Cobb Salad
Off-the-cuff, without preparation, such as a speech
Most of the classes in Quebec schools are taught in this language
This plant related to & sometimes confused with endive has been used to flavor coffee since the 18th century
Lyndon B. Johnson
National name of the tomato-&-feta salad also called horiatiki
Greek Salad
In 1932 Australia tried to eradicate this large flightless bird by using machine guns -- didn't work
the emu
Javanese is the native language of about 60 million people on the island of Java in this country
For the taste of coffee with a kick, try this Jamaican coffee liqueur with a rhyming name
Tia Maria
"The Great Engineer"
Herbert Hoover
Kitchen personage whose "salad" includes hard-boiled eggs & strips of meat & cheese
Chef Salad
This stubby yellow-green winter pear has a blander taste than most other varieties
Most of the people of Brazil speak this official language
This corporation bears the first name of a German housewife who invented the drip coffee filter in 1908
Melitta (Benz)
The "Son of the Grandfather"
Benjamin Harrison