I seem
What is "going"?
urbe incensā
What is "with the city burned"?
She was Juppiter's wife (and sister).
Who is Juno?
Founding of the Republic.
What is 509 BCE?
What is y'all are loved?
What is "killed"?
Quinto imperatore
What is "With Quintus as/being commander"?
Who caught the golden apple at Peleus and Thetis' wedding?
What is Paris?
Founding of Rome.
What is 753 BCE?
necatus est
visi, ae, a
What is "seen"?
proelio committo
What is "with the battle joined"?
The Carthaginian queen who fell in love with and was abandoned by Aeneas.
What is Dido?
In the 3rd/2nd centuries BCE, this great Carthaginian general nearly defeated Rome.
What is Hannibal?
incensae erant
What is "to/for the people left behind"?
exercitu deleto, Brutus desperat.
What is "With the army destroyed, Brutus despairs"?
This woman escaped Apollo's attentions by being transformed into a laurel tree?
Cleopatra had children by these two men.
What is Caesar and Antony?
he/she/it follows
Caesar, Romā oppugnata, copias (troops) duxit.
Hephaestus/Vulcan caught Aphrodite/Venus in an affair with what god?
What is Ares?
Why did Juppiter start the Trojan War?
What is a desire to depopulate humanity and end the Age of Heroes.