__________________ determines whether the patient has met their goals.
What is evaluation
What are drops?
Nursing shoe colors
What is black or white?
MiN colors
What is purple and yellow?
chronic symptoms include:
lack of sleep, high anxiety, large consumption of comfort foods, delirious humor
What is STRESSED out student nurse?
Nursing process
What is Assessment
What is a normal HR?
What is 60-100
Prevents nurse from accidentally scratching patient, getting caught in patients bedding or clothing and decreases the risk of carrying bacteria from one patient to another.
What is keeping nails short and trimmed?
The number of meetings a member is required to attend per semester
What is one
Nursing organization other than MiN
What is Vans?
A specific instrument nurses use to listen to breath sounds
What is a stethoscope
Another name for unlicensed assistant personnel?
What is CNA?
Nurses are required to wear a ____________ ___________ at all times while at work.
What is a name badge?
This is the period when a member doesn’t meet requirements
What is a grace period
No social life
What is a student nurse?
The number of steps in the Nursing Process
What is 5
Assessment, Diagnose, Planning, Implementation, Evaluation
What is before meals?
Famous gator brand footwear
What are crocks?
What year was MiN founded?
What is 2020?
It's relatively easy. It's like riding a bike. Except the bike is on fire and you're on fire and everything is on fire and you are in hades
What is nursing school?
A clear, concise and measurable tool to evaluate if a patient has met a goal.
What is an outcome criteria?
What is no known drug allergies?
Yellow attire used for airborne or contact pathogens
What is isolation gown?
A famous black nurse known for her efforts in the Crimean war
Who is Mary Seacole?
Something often neglected by nursing students
What is mental health?