Anna’s favorite color
what is Sage green
Anna saw what on the way to utah in the color of a mountains?
what is a car chase?
anna’s biggest fear is this thing
what is spiders?
Anna’s oldest stuffy, which is named for its type of animal
what is Deery the Deer?
Name all of Anna’s immediate family
What is Becca, Mike, Naomi, Isaac
Anna’s favorite book is the first in a very popular series
What is the first Harry potter
Anna did what sport fon and off from about 2?
what is gymnastics?
Anna’s least favorite teacher is this one
who is Mr. Angel Ruiz
Anna’s current favorite stuffed animal has this odd name
what is Dagmar?
Which of Anna’s siblings graduated early?
Who are both of her siblings?
anna’s favorite food is this irish thing
Anna has taken how many College courses?
what is 6?
this food is a big nono for Anna
what is seafood?
Pink ____ club
what is bunny
Which member of Anna’s family was dropped off an 80 foot cliff?
who is her father?
Anna can’t live without this makeup accessory
anna rode in an ambulance for this reason
what is her middle finger got chopped off?
Anna hates this thing, but isn’t afraid of it
what is heights?
how many stuffed animals does Anna have?
what is a lot?
which of Anna’s family broke up with a long term boyfriend while he was on his knee proposing?
who is her mother?
anna’s favorite movie is?
what is clue?
anna has read her the first harry potter book this many times
what is 38 times?
Anthis thing anna hates is a strange sensory issue
what is feeling your socks?
How many stuffed animals does anna have on her bed right now?
what is 7?
Anna has family living in this European country?
What is Albania?