who got "lost" in the house
kiley bell
what is the chickens name (newest)
low taper fade
what race is megs brother
who stole ad chain
katie g
how high is bri rn
how many times did peggy need the ambulance called last semester
whose room did middlename take
par par
who did gordon and hannah see in lib
emma clemente, miss teen ri
what 3 live together
roman shyne and milan
lambda house nicest feature
main entrance staircase
who watches our social medias?
what day did the donkey incident happen
sep 27 2023
who has back to back birthdays
chuck and gordon
what breed of dog is ad selling rn
german shepard
what day did chuck and audrey makeout for the first time (audrey u cant answer)
valentines day <3
who got with gianna the first week of school
drew conroy
where was big country born
what was the first text gordon sent in gc
zlam video emma clemnete
what is romans rapper name
rome TTYB
who was banned from smoking sammie and megs pen
what was the reason sof dop went to honor board (most recent)
getting in clvps littles car and she wasnt in driving program
what are the main sponsorships
reign, bang energy, dude wipes, redbull,
whos shoes were hanging in gordon and jacksons suite
hailey rollins
who is romans gg little
who visited austin dean in the hospital
randi zuckerman