True or false
Satan can take away your salvation
The ______ is the lamp of the body
When we are born we are in this kingdom
First part of the Bible
The Old Testament
He is a roaring lion and an enemy of Christians
What enters our eyes effects how much of our body?
Our entire body
To become children of God we have to be washed by His ______
(Titus 3:5)
Holy Spirit
The Bible is a book that points us to _____
Jesus Christ
How can Christians be sober-minded?
Clear things that take your mind away from God, spend time with other people that love God, talking with God in prayer and reading the Bible
How can we understand sin in our lives?
We can ask God to show us our sin
The greatest in the kingdom of heaven
Those that humble themselves as children to God
Great book to start reading to understand who Jesus is
The Gospel of John
This gives us the power to fight the enemy
Knowing and trusting God's word (sword of the Spirit)
How does our lamp (eyes) effect how we speak?
What we choose to watch effect our hearts, and how we speak is a reflection of our hearts
(Luke 6:45)
We are made in God's image and made to belong to to Him, but we have to first be born again. What is being born again?
Dying to ourselves and accepting a new life through the death and resurrection of Jesus.
(God washes us by His Holy Spirit when we trust in Jesus)
Why it's important to write God word on our hearts
God's words will help us in times of trouble and protect us
Fruits of the Spirit
love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control
Thinking of having dark/light (eyes), how does having a clear lamp help us against Satan?
Having eyes set on God, we can see clearly traps the devil sets against us
We we become children of God we are permanently adopted even though we still mess up. God changes us through the course of our life and sets us apart, this is called _________
(1 Thess 5:23)
Hebrew, Greek, Aramaic