Roma, Frosinone, Latina, Rieti and Viterbo
The highest peaks in Europe, rich in lakes and water, covered in ice at the top and woods and pastures lower down.
What are the main cities of Lazio?
What are the Alps?
These nine were the main cities of the Etruscans
A technique to conserve bodies
What are Tarquinia, Populonia, Orvieto, Cerveteri, Veio, Vulci, Perugia, Arezzo and Voltero
What is mumificazione?
First line of the song
Worried, sorry, scared and sad
what is 16?
Uno strato roccioso
What is the earth's crust?
They make up the borders of Lazio
What are the Mar Tirreno; Toscana, Umbria and le Marche; l'Abruzzo, Molise, and la Campania
These had small rooms and were grouped together along narrow streets
vessels in which the internal organs of dead people were placed during mummificazione
What are case comune
What are canopi
Second and third lines of the song
I don't like when i feel like that!
Bored, tired and hot!
What is 25?
4 and a half billion years ago
What is when the earth was formed
Making up the alpine peaks these are the three sectors
What are i laghi volcanici Bolsena, Bracciano e Vico
What are the Alpi Occidentali (Marittime, Cozie e Graie); Apli Centrale (Pennine, Lepontine e Retiche); and the Alpi Orientale (Atesine, Carniche e Giulie)
These were made up of hill-like tombs
Bodies were desicatated, covered in unguents and wrapped in linen
What are necropoli?
what is the second stage of mumificazione
These are the feelings I don't want
what is 10?
Formed when the magma cooled and solidified
Part 2: examples are?
What is le rocce vulcaniche?
what are granite and obsidian?
They extend along the south of Rome
Montains whose peaks don't exceed 2000-2500 metres
What are the pre-Alpi?
They governed cities and were selected from noble families
Who were lucumone?
What is a bara sigillata where bodies were placed
5th and 6th lines
Cold and angry, sometimes I am
But that is normal for every man
what is 173
Made of materials transported from the rivers and ice, Part 2: examples are
What is the rocce sedimentarie?
What are arenaria and selce?
These are the main activities in the Alps
What is the capital of Lazio and is home to the Govermnet of Italy, embassies, RAI, Cinecitta and is visited by millions of people
What are agriculture (apples and potatoes), allevamento (bovini, carne e latte); industrie alimentari (formaggio, burro, yogurt); electric energy; and tourism
Discrimination, poor living conditions
Used to transport blocchi di pietra for pyramids
What weakened the etruscans?
What are scivoli di terra and tronchi di palma
My birthday present is a puppy!
Now I feel happy
what is 81
Made from mutated structures caused by major climate changes
An example is
What is rocce metamorfiche?
What is marmo?