A three-lettered word used to express recognition of a mistake or minor accident.
What is "Ope."
This depressed horse is best friends with a dog named Mr. Peanutbutter.
Who is "Bojack Horseman."
The attractiveness of this alleged vigilante was quickly noted by 2024 media.
Who is "Luigi Mangione."
Our bad, this "magically delicious" and "more than good," breakfast option isn't "just for kids" like we were told growing up.
What is "cereal."
Chicago is named after this smelly vegetable.
It's not the freezing temperatures or the snow storms that will get to you in the winter, it's this.
What is "wind."
Used as the ultimate deceptive war strategy, this type of horse is due for a comeback.
What is "Trojan Horse."
Heavily attended by celebrities and influencers, this "luxury" event will go down in history as an epic disaster, next to an image of a sad, stale cheese sandwich.
What is "Fyre Fest."
Although millennials are blamed for killing the wedding industry, we've also killed its antithesis by choosing better life-long partners.
What is "the divorce industry."
The Chicago River hosts an annual Special Olympics fundraiser in which thousands of these small, buoyant toys are dumped in for a race.
What are "rubber ducks."
A common rule midwest farmers use to estimate the success of corn growth in the summer.
What is "knee-high by the Fourth of July."
Bryan Adams and Hans Zimmer created an epic soundtrack for this animated stallion.
Who is "Spirit."
We were all stuck at home in 2021 when a giant container ship got stuck in this busy Egyptian waterway.
What is "The Suez Canal."
Although most modern fabrics don't require help from this tool, let's blame millennials for falling sales.
What is "an iron."
Jean Baptiste Pointe du Sable is known as the first permanent non-Indigenous settler and founder of Chicago, though he originated from this Caribbean island.
What is "Haiti."
Instead of saying "excuse me," or "pardon my reach," midwesterners are more likely to state this phrase.
What is "Let me squeeze right past you." or "Let me scootch on by you."
Who is "Kevin Durant."
In June 2023, this metal contraption named for its "great strength" imploded within hours on its way to see the Titanic ruins.
What is the "Titan Submersible."
This shiny industry hasn't been doing well since the 80s, but sure, blame millennials for seeking out cheaper, more ethical options.
What is "the diamond industry."
This Chicago museum was originally built to display the finest international art during the 1893 World's Fair.
What is "The Museum of Science and Industry."
Going in this vague direction translates to midwesterners going on their ideal summer vacation.
What is "Up North."
"I'm not a princess, this isn't a fairytale," and "I'm not the one you'll sweep off her feet" are lyrics from this 2008 TSwift song.
What is "White Horse."
This 2012 date was the day that many people believed would mark the end of the world. Turns out it was just the end of a cycle in the Mayan calendar.
What is "December 21st, 2012."
The purchase of one of these means you're 35% more likely to be killed in an accident (sorry we don't want to die??).
What is "a motorcycle."
This influential Chicago speakeasy, cabaret & night club, named after a green bite-sized snack, attracted activists, artists, and free thinkers in the roaring 20s.
What is the "Dill Pickle Club."