There are used to receive impulse and send to cell body
What are dendrites?
The heart has 4 chambers what are they
What is Right and Left atrium, and Right and left Ventricle?
What is pulmonary respiration?
What is breathing in and out (ventilation) and diffusion (oxygen and carbon dioxide exchange)?
Blood flow equation is
What is Pressure/Resistance?
An athlete has been working out for an hour plus, what composition of their blood will be a bit lower
What is plasma?
In order for neural communication to happen these transmitters bind to a receptor
What is a neurotransmitter?
Describe systole and diastole
Systole: Contractions phase blood pumped out of chamber
Diastole: Relaxation phase blood fills chambers
What roles do Alveoli plays in the lungs
They help with gas exchange?
This is one of the main muscle in ventilation
What is the diaphrag?
You hold you breath for 30 seconds but for some reason you automatically start breathing again why is this?
What is chemoreceptors, the autonomic system and gas concentration that can initiat breathing again
The parts of the central nervous systems are
What is the brain, the spinal cord and the interneurons?
Describe Bradycardia and Tachychardia?
Brady: Slow
Tachy: Fast
Total pressure of gas mixture = sum of partial pressure of each gas is known as
What is Daltons Law?
Name two structures in the respiratory system
What is nose, larynx, bronchioles, nasal cavity, trachea, bronchi, alveoli?
A patient is going to get a pacemakermaker placed, what anatomical structure is being replaced?
What is the SA node?
The peripheral nervous system has two parts what are they?
What is the Motor Nerves (Efferent) and Sensory Nerves (Afferent)?
Left ventricular wall thickness can lead to health complications such as
What is high blood pressure and hypertension?
This Iron containing pigment helps carry oxygen
What is hemoglobin?
What millivolts are most neurons at?
What is -70 millivolts
Imagine running and after you run a muscle will not stop twitching and it keeps on going without break what is this condition called.
What is tetanus?
The Autonomic System is divided into
What is Sympathetic and Parasympathetic Nervous System?
What is stroke volume * Heart rate
What is cardiac output.
Name one out of three factors that can affect O2 and Hb Dissociation
What is Temperature, what is pH, what is 2-3 DPG
Describe the process of and Action potential?
What is depolarization, passing the threshold, action potential, repolarization, refractory period.
Good luck on the exam
Good luck