What are the 3 subatomic particles?
Protons, Neutrons, Electrons. Can you name their charges?
Is there any energy present in atoms at absolute zero?
What is a force?
A push or pull.
What is an experiment?
A scientific test of a hypothesis.
What is the base unit for mass?
Kilogram (kg)
What is an ion?
An atom that has gained or lost one or more electrons, and has thus acquired a net electric charge.
What is internal energy?
The sum of all the kinetic energies possessed by all the particles in a substance.
What is the weakest of the 4 fundamental forces? What does this force do?
Gravitational force; weakest of the four fundamental forces; the force of attraction between two objects due to their gravitational fields. The force is so weak that it is typically only noticeable in the case of very large masses.
What is a hypothesis?
A testable, informed prediction, based on a theory, of what will happen in certain circumstances.
What is the base unit for length?
Meter (m)
What is the significance of an atomic number?
The atomic number is the number of protons in the nucleus.
Bonus- What happens if we change the number of protons in a nucleus?
Define Work.
A mechanical process whereby energy is transferred from one object to another by a force pushing through a certain distance.
What is the strongest of the four fundamental forces? What does it do?
Strong Nuclear Force; One of the four fundamental forces; the strongest of all forces; binds the protons together in the nucleus of atoms.
What is a scientific fact?
A scientific statement supported by a great deal of evidence, which is correct so far as we know.
What is the base unit of time?
Seconds! (s)
What is an orbital?
An energy region in an atom where up to 2 electrons may reside.
What is Thermal Equilibrium?
A state when two objects (or and object and it’s environment) are at the same temperature and heat flow between them ceases.
What is an electromagnet?
A magnet formed by winding a wire into a coil and passing a current through it.
What is a theory?
A model, representation, or explanation that seeks to account for the related facts and provide means for producing new hypotheses.
What is the common unit used for liquids that is not officially part of the SI system?
Liter (L)
What is a molecule? What kinds of bonds are formed in a molecule?
A chemically bonded cluster of atoms; the smallest particle in compounds formed by covalent bonding between nonmetals (including hydrogen).
State the Law of Conservation of Energy.
The principle that energy cannot be created or destroyed, only changed from one form to another.
Who developed the General Theory of Relativity and when was it developed?
Albert Einstein's theory (1915) of gravity; an explanation of gravity in terms of acceleration, and of the curvature of the geometry of spacetime around a massive object.
What is Truth?
The way things really are; revealed to us by God through his word and through nature, or known to us by the direct and immediate testimony of our senses, or discovered by valid logic based on true premises; not a part of the language of scientific claims.
What is the International System of Units?
The system of units of measure administered in France and accepted by most of the countries in the world; the metric system.