The Greek word “arche" (ἀρχέ) means “leader” and is where we get this English word which can refer to a king or queen who is the singular ruler of a dominion.
What is a monarch?
In the ___ there was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God.
What is beginning?
Lent reminds us that Jesus obeyed God the father when he went to be tested by the devil after fasting for 40 days in the ____?
What is wilderness?
The English word “martyr” comes from the Greek word “martys” (μαρτυσ). In the New Testament, the word “martys” (μαρτυσ) is often translated by this English word which describes someone who has seen or something and the tells other people about it.
What is "witness" (or "testify")?
In the beginning God created ___.
What is the heavens and the earth (or the skies and the land)?
On the Sunday before Lent at the end of the Divine Liturgy, every church member will bow to every other church member member and ask for ____.
What is forgiveness?
The Greek word “euangélion” refers to this category of biblical literature.
What is “Gospel”, “Good News” or “Good Announcement”?
Jesus's birth was first announced to the Theotokos by this archangel, who is the first angel to be introduced by name in the New Testament.
Who is the Holy Archangel Gabriel?
The Sunday in the very center of Lent commemorates the Life-giving Cross because _____ was in the very center of the Garden of Eden?
What is the Tree of Life?
In the hymn of Justinian from the Second Antiphon, begins by saying that Jesus is the “Only-begotten son and ____ of God”. This Greek word identifies Jesus as the perfect embodiment of God’s message to humans and the one who orders the created word.
What is "Logos"?
During this feast, St. John with the 12 disciples and the 70 apostles first received the Holy Spirit so that he and the apostles would be empowered to tell all nations about their experience of seeing, hearing, and touching the Lord Jesus.
What is Pentecost?
On the Sunday before the beginning of Lent, the Church commemorates the ____ from Paradise?
What is exile (or expulsion)?
The English word “revealed” is often used to translate the Greek word phaneroō. The word phaneroō is also where we get the name of this major Church feast.
What is "Epiphany" or "Theophany"?
According to the Book of Acts, this man was one of the first deacons and was the very first martyr to be killed for proclaiming Jesus’s resurrection.
Who is St. Stephen?
The day after the end of Lent celebrates this person being raised from the dead.
Who is Lazarus?