Sons of Alma the younger
the Lord giveth no commandments unto the children of men, save he shall... for them that they may accomplish the thing which he commandeth them.
Prepare a way
Invitation of moroni to all who reads the book of mormon
Read, ponder and pray
And he shall go forth, suffering pains and ______ and _______ of every kind; and this that the word might be fulfilled which saith he will take upon him the pains and the sicknesses of his people.
Afflictions and temptations
What is the lastbook in the Bookof Mormon?
In the beginning was the word ____, and the ____ was with God, and the ____ was God.
John 1:1
Mosiah has four sons; name atleast two of them.
Ammon, Aaron, Omner and Himni
These people were taught by their mothers while in their youth.
Army of Helaman
Jesus's age when he was teaching the elders in the temple and Mary and Joseph were looking for him
12 years old
Luke 2: 42-45
The most important event in the Book of Mormon found in 3 Nephi
When Jesus visited the nephites in america
Adam fell that men might be; and men are, that they might have...
This is where the ten commandments were given
Mount Sinai
What instruments did Joseph Smith used in translating theBook of Mormon
Urim and thummim
These funds are used to build churches, temples, and other cost that allows the church to further the purposes of the Lord
How old was Joseph Smith when he receive his first vision.
Nephi's brother Jacob likened the House of Israel to this in his allegory.
Olive tree
And if men come unto me I will show unto them their weakness. I give unto men weakness that they may...
The three witnesses
David Whitmer
Oliver Cowdery
Martin Harris
How many days did Joseph Smith completed the translation in an exceptional short period of time.
65 days, which contains 531 pages,
Joseph Smith was __ years old when the angel Moroni first visited him and when he first saw the gold plates.
Between the ages of 18 and 21, Moroni visited him once each year and gave him
“instruction and intelligence”
(Joseph Smith—History 1:54).
The Lord’s “______is greater than the cunning of the devil.”
He denied Jesus Christ 3 times then heard the rooster crow and recalled the prediction
The Anti-Christ, Korihor asked for this as he contended with Alma
On May 15, 1829, the rains cleared and Joseph and Oliver walked into the woods near the Susquehanna River. Kneeling, they asked God about baptism and the remission of sins. As they prayed, the voice of the Redeemer spoke peace to them, and an angel appeared in a cloud of light. He introduced himself as __________ and placed his hands on their heads.
John the Baptist