When did Allah SWT become a Creator, al-Khaliq?
Allah SWT has always been the Creator before He created.
If Allah willed to not create us, He will still be the Creator.
What is the most recited Surah in the Quran?
Surat al-Fatiha
What are the obligatory parts of Wudu?
Face, head, arms and feet to ankles.
Define Haya' (modesty).
It is the feeling of shame and uneasiness in the heart about doing things that are displeasing to Allah The Exalted and to others.
Allah SWT decreed all things and nothing happens in the universe except by His SWT will. He SWT knows what is to come.
He SWT decreed all of that and wrote it in a book (al-Lawh-al-Mahfoudth) _______ years before He SWT created the heavens and the Earth [Muslim].
How tall was Adam (as)?
60 cubits=90 ft [al-Bukhari].
How to perform Tayammum?
Intention in the heart
Strike pure soil lightly with hands & wipe face
Strike soil again and wipe arms (as you would for wudu)
The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: 'When Allah wills good for a person, He causes him to _______ the _______ [Sunan Ibn Majah 220].
understand the religion.
Allah SWT is the Ever-Living. What is that in Arabic translation?
During the punishment of the people of Lut (as), what was unique about the stones that Allah SWT rained on them?
Every stone was marked with the name of the targeted person.
What are the conditions of wiping socks when you're in your hometown vs. traveling?
1 day and night for residents, and 3 days and nights during travel.
What does Allah SWT do for us on the Day of Judgement if we have loved one another for the sake of Him SWT?
Allah SWT will shelter us with shade [al-Bukhari and Muslim].
What is the difference between al-nabi (prophet) and al-rasul (messenger)?
Al-nabi (prophet) is someone who receives divine revelation but has not been commanded to deliver the message, like Adam (as).
Al-rasul (messenger) is someone who receives divine revelation and has been commanded to deliver the message, like Musa (as).
When prophet Ibrahim (as) asked Allah SWT to show him how He SWT gives life to the dead, what did Allah SWT ordered Ibrahim (as) to do?
He SWT said, “Then take four birds and draw them to you. Then place a part of them on each mountain. Then call them; they shall come to you in a rush [2:260].
What are the two Pillars of Fasting?
1. Abstaining from food, drink, intercourse, from dawn until sunset.
2. Intention by heart.
The prophet PBUH said that every Muslim has to give charity, but if one has nothing to give, can't work with his hands, or can't help the needy, what can a Muslim do?
The prophet PBUH said: "Then he should perform good deeds and keep away from evil deeds and this will be regarded as charitable deeds [al-Bukhari and Muslim]."
What are the 5 names of our prophet PBUH?
Muhammad, Ahmad, al-Mahi, al-Hashir, al-Aqib.
How did idol worshiping begin after the death of Idris (as) and before Nuh (as)?
Five righteous people passed away: Waddan, Suwa'an, Yaghuthah, Ya'augah, and Nasran.
People built statues out of them, the Shaytan kept whispering till eventually they were worshiped.
What are the Pillars of Salah?
Intention, by heart
Takbirat Al Ihram: Start with “Allahu Akbar.”
Standing (Qiyam): and if not possible sit, and if not possible lay on the side.
Recitation: Surah Al-Fatihah.
Ruku': Bowing - Do Ruku’ by bending over and letting the hands reach the knees, and don’t stand before reaching calmness, and do so perfectly: by straightening the back to a 90 degrees position, such that if a cup is placed on it it wouldn’t fall.
What does Allah SWT do when you fast Ramadan out of sincere faith and what gate is opened for those who fasted?
past sins forgiven, gate of ar-Rayyan.