What is the name of discord mascot?
what is Wumpus
character LINK is from what video game
What is legend of zelda
This phrase, commonly seen in gambling chats, encourages users to keep trying and stay hopeful, despite losing, and is often misspelled as
what is soon us / wen us
YouTube was originally created for?
what is a dating site
Who is the bossman?
Who is Homedaddy
Who are the moderators and admins in this discord
what is Shark, bran, Alex, eima and oooze
What is the game that offered the biggest prize pool in history? reaching approximately $23.86 million.
what is DOTA2
What year and month did DOGE coin blow up in?
What is January 2021
This streamer set a record for the longest subathon on YouTube, continuing their stream for over 1,000 days.
what does NASA stand for
national asslaping association
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
When was this discord created?
21th of Feb
his 1996 survival horror game by Capcom introduced players to the zombie-infested mansion
what is resident evil
who said" You think you just fell out of a coconut tree " in 2024
Kamala Coconut
What award is granted to creators who hit 50 mil subscribers?
What is the ruby playbutton
Who Saved A Four-Year-old Hitler From drowning in a Icy River
Who is Johann Kuehberger
This term refers to the specific permission level that allows users to ban or kick others from a server
What is an admin/mod?
is 2004 action-adventure game from Rockstar Games lets players explore a fictional version of New York City, where you play as a vigilante known as
what is The Punisher
Who is Ricardo milos
This youtuber has lost the most subscribers in one day? (1.2 milion)
What is James charles
what is Insane+ and Ludicrous+
When was discord officially launched
What is 2015?
released in 1989, this game was the first to feature the iconic "T-spin" technique and was a major hit on the Game Boy, helping launch the console into success.
what is tetris
What famous mini hippo became a meme and a memecoin in 2024?
Moo Deng
Wht is the most subscribed to a youtube channel?
What is MrBeast
What country has highest average penile lenght?
What is Sudan / Ecuador