What is b?
This is the number located at the top of a fraction.
What is a numerator?
This number, -12, is this value compared to -24.
What is greater
(1,2) (3,4)
What is quadrant 1?
The answer to y for the problem 4(y)=16
What is 4?
What is A
This is a number that has both a fraction and whole number. 3 3/7 is an example of this.
What is a mixed fraction?
This number -3 is this compared to 3.
What is less than.
(3,-4) (11, -4)
What is quadrant 4?
The answer to q for the problem 6(q)=54
What is 9?
What is f
What is an improper fraction?
This number, -27, has this value compared to its double -27
What is equal to.
(-3,7) (-9,21/2)
What is quadrant 2?
The answer to f for the problem 11(f)=132
What is 12?
A property when two numbers in a number problem can be switched, but still result in the same answer.
What is communitive?
A comparison of two numbers, like the points on a scoreboard. It can be written a few different ways. Examples are 1/2, 1:2, and 1 to2.
What is a ratio?
What is positive?
What is quadrant 1?
The answer to M for the problem M(6)=42
What is 7?
12 divided by t= 2
What is t=6?
A mathematical expression or function so related to another that their product is one. 2/3 and 3/2 is a good example of this.
What is a reciprocal?
This digit value is three spaces left of the zero on the x-axis.
What is -3?
What is quadrant 3?
A letter used in a math equation to represent a certain missing number in a problem.
What is a variable?