Which Article states that all humans are born free regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, or sexual orientation?
Article 1: Equality
Which article states that you have a right to practice any religion that you choose?
Article 18: Freedom of Belief
Which article states that you have a right to work without prevention from others?
Article 23: Work
Which article states that you have a right to peaceful protest?
Article 20: Freedom of Assembly
How many human right declaration are there?
Which article states that you have a right to express your own opinion without interference from others?
Article 19: Freedom of Opinion
Which article states that we have a right to live a decent life with access to clothing, shelter, food, and medical care?
Article 25: Adequate Living Standards
Which article states that you have a right to own property?
Article 17: Property
Which article states that you have the right to live a life outside of servitude?
Article 4: Freedom of Slavery
What year was the universal declaration of human rights written?
Which article states that the goverment has no right to take away any of our human right?
Article 30: Freedom from State or Personal Interference
Which article states that you have the right to access and maintain social security benefits without discrimination?
Article 22: Social Security
Which article states that you have a right to take time away from work and other societal responsibilities to enjoy life?
Article 24: Rest and Leisure
Which article states that you have a right to not be detained or arrested if there is no evidence that you commited a crime?
Article 9: Freedom from Arbitrary Arrest
Is Spain a member of the European Union?
Which article states that you have a right to be able to move freely within your own country?
Article 13: Freedom of movement
Which article states that you have a right to educated regardless of immigration and economic status?
Article 26: Education
Which article states that you have a right to take part in the government of your own country?
Article 21: Take Part in Government
Which article states that you have a right to be physically free?
Article 3: Life, Liberty, and Security
Which union was responsible for the creation of this declaration?
The European Union
Which articles states that everyone has a right to seek asylum in another country when you are being unfairly persercuted in your own country?
Article 14: Asylum
Which article states that everyone is entitled to a social and international order so that we can enjoy our human rights?
Article 28: Social Order
Which article states that everyone has the responsibility of protecting our human rights?
Article 29: Mutual Responsibility
Which article states that you have the right to marry and raise a family, if you choose to do so?
Article 16: Marriage and Family
There is one country that does not follow this declaration, which country is it?
North Korea