The two Gospels where you find the stories about the birth of Jesus.
What are Matthew and Luke?
The name of the wilderness where Jesus was tempted.
What is Judea?
The name of the prayer Jesus taught his disciples.
What is the Lord's Prayer?
The two Old Testament figures who appeared to Jesus at the Transfiguration.
Who are Moses and Elijah?
Daniel was put into a pit with these animals.
What are lions?
Jesus' favorite title for himself, "The Son of Man", comes from this Old Testament book.
What is Daniel?
This superpower conquered the 10 northern tribes in 722 BC.
Who is Assyria?
Jesus put mud on his eyes and sent him to the Pool of Siloam to cure this condition.
What is blindness?
She was the first person to see Jesus after the resurrection.
Who is Mary Magdalene?
Jesus used this seed to describe what the Kingdom of God is like.
What is a mustard seed?
The gospel in which Jesus repeatedly says, "I am..."
What is John's Gospel?
This superpower conquered the southern kingdom of Judah in 586 BC.
Who are the Babylonians?
4 of them were fisherman.
What were Jesus' apostles/disciples?
A ruler’s daughter, a widow’s son, and Lazarus.
Who did Jesus bring back to life?
Evil is personified as this serpent-like creature in the Book of Revelation.
What is a dragon?
This prophet saw a valley of dry bones return to life.
Who is Ezekiel?
This superpower conquered the Babylonians in 539 BC.
Who are the Persians?
Jesus tells his disciples to forgive this often.
What is "70 times 7"?
Only one of these sick men returned to thank Jesus after he was healed.
What is a leper?
Jesus rides into Jerusalem on this animal?
What is a donkey?
The fifth book of the Bible.
What is Deuteronomy?
This superpower reigned when Jesus was born.
Who are the Romans?
Jesus heals this blind man outside of Jericho.
Who is Bartimaeus?
This man took baby Jesus in his arms and said, "Now I can die, for I've seen Messiah!"
Who is Simeon?
Either of these two animals is acceptable as a Passover sacrifice.
What are lambs and goats?