Paris is related to this powerful figure in Verona.
Who is the Prince?
Romeo and Juliet first meet at this event hosted by the Capulets.
What is the Capulet masquerade/party?
This character provides Juliet with the sleeping potion to fake her death.
Who is Friar Laurence?
This term describes the kind of ending in Romeo and Juliet, defined by a downfall of the main characters.
What is tragedy?
Juliet famously says, “What’s in a name? That which we call a ___ by any other name would smell as sweet.”
What is rose?
Tybalt, known for his fiery temper, is related to Lady Capulet in this way.
What is her nephew?
This ______ between servants escalated, causing Prince Escalus to threaten the Montagues and Capulets with severe punishment.
What is the opening brawl/fight in Act 1?
Juliet’s sleeping potion lasts for this many hours, giving her the appearance of death.
What is 42 hours?
Romeo chooses love over loyalty when he refuses to duel this character.
Who is Tybalt?
This is the name of Romeo’s family, who are bitter rivals of the Capulets.
What is Montague?
Lord Capulet holds this family title in relation to Juliet.
What is her father?
Romeo meets the Apothecary in this setting while searching for poison.
What is a shop in Mantua?
Romeo buys a deadly poison from this character after hearing of Juliet's "death."
Who is the apothecary?
The deaths of Romeo and Juliet ultimately lead to this monumental decision by their feuding families.
What is ending the feud?
Tybalt is often called this animal nickname, reflecting his fiery nature and aggression.
What is the Prince of Cats?
The Friar serves as this role for Romeo.
What is priest/father figure?
Juliet delivers her famous soliloquy about love and names in this iconic scene.
What is the balcony scene?
Juliet expresses fear that the potion might actually do this instead of putting her to sleep.
What is kill her?
his philosophical concept, often debated in the play, is seen as responsible for the lovers’ tragic fate.
What is fate?
This figure in the play represents authority and tries to keep the peace in Verona
Who is Prince Escalus?
He is Romeo’s cousin but also serves in this supportive role in his life.
Who is Benvolio?
Romeo is banished from Verona after committing this act of violence.
What is killing Tybalt?
Juliet stabs herself because of this and the plan involving the potion goes tragically wrong.
What is Romeo killing himself before she wakes up?
Despite their tragic deaths, Romeo and Juliet’s story is often celebrated as a triumph of this emotion.
What is Love?
Romeo uses this poetic term to describe Juliet, comparing her to something heavenly and untouchable.
What is the sun?