Chapter 7 Exercises
Chapter 7 Questions
Chapter 8 Exercises
Chapter 8 Questions

Fill the sentence: 

If a person concerned one way or another about anything crucial, he will m_____

the a______  in  a_____.

make the arrangements in advance


1. How did Miss Honey look? Describe her appearance. 

These words can come in handy:  pale oval face, blue eyes, light-brown hair, slim and fragile, porcelain figure

2. How old was Miss Honey? 

1. She had a lovely pale oval madonna face with blue eyes and her hair was light-brown. Her body was so slim and fragile one got the feeling that if she fell over she would smash into a thousand pieces, like a porcelain figure.

2. 23-24 y.o 


It would be r_____ (funny) to leave a child like that struck in the bottom form. 



What are the qualities of a real head teachers?

They understand children and they have the children’s best interests at heart. They are sympathetic. They are fair and they are deeply interested in education.


Can you recollect the synonym to the words "gifted", "genius"? 

The word starts with "p"



Miss Trunchbull insists _____ strict discipline throughout the school, and if you take my advice you will do your very best to behave yourselves in her presence.

a) on

b) upon

c) for

d) at 

b) upon


What kind of person was Miss Honey?

Miss Jennifer Honey was a mild and quiet person who never raised her voice and was seldom seen to smile, but there is no doubt she possessed that rare gift for being adored by every small child under her care. She understood kids.


Normally Miss Honey was terrified  of the Headmistress, burt at that moment she was ready to _______ anybody, because of Matilda.

a) take on 

b) take of 

c) take with

a) take on


How did Miss Trunchbull look like? 

She was above all a most formidable female. She had once been a famous athlete, and even now the muscles were still clearly in evidence. You could see them in the bull-neck, in the big shoulders, in the thick arms, in the sinewy wrists and in the powerful legs.

Her face was neither a thing of beauty nor a joy for ever. She had an obstinate chin, a cruel mouth and small arrogant eyes


A humorous poem with five lines that Matilda wrote about Miss Honey is called _____



How did Matilda describe a calculator:

a) lump of metal

b) metal trash

c) lamp of metal

a) lump of metal


What did Miss Honey expect from kids:

a) by the end of the week?

b) in a year's time? 

a) two-times table by heart

b) all the multiplication tables up to twelve


She's completely crazy, Miss Honey told to herself. 

"completely crazy" - choose the best synonym

a) off the rocket

b) off the racket

c) off the rocker

c) off the rocker


What did Miss Trunchbull tell about bad girls?

a bad girl is a far more dangerous creature than a bad boy


An epicure - what's the meaning?

a) someone who is dainty with his eating

b) someone who is always hungry

c) someone who is good at cooking

a) dainty with eating


1. Miss Honey was astounded ___ the wisdom of this tiny girl:

a) at

b) by

c) with

2. Name 3 synonyms to the word "astounded" 

1. b) by

2. amazed, astonished, surprised, stunned


How did Matilda describe the book of Mr.C.S.Lewis?

 Dull. Without any funny bits in it.


For once Miss Honey wasn't going to be _______: (means frightened or bullied) 

a) browbeaten

b) eyebeaten

c) nosebeaten

a) browbeaten


1. What did Miss Honey want to tell about Matilda?

2. What was Trunchbull's reaction?

1. About some of the amazing things Matilda had done with arithmetic.

About her reading skills. 

2. She said that Miss Honey wants to get rid of Matilda, because she can't handle her.


What was ALWAYS on Trunchbull's table?

A jug and a glass of water


Tips that Miss Honey shared with kids as for Trunchbull:

1. Never a_____ with her

2. Never a_____ b_____

3. Always d____ as she says

1. argue

2. answer back

3. do


What author Matilda is very fond of? Why?

Charles Dickens. He makes her laugh a lot.


Miss Honey was determined ____ have her say.....

a) on 

b) to

c) of

b) to


What was the rule about children? 

What's your take on this rule? Agree/Disagree?

All children remain in their own age groups regardless of ability.


What does "piffle" mean? 

Give a definition or make a sentence.

Piffle - nonsense. 
