What sociologist founded Marxism?
Karl Marx
Functionalism views society as a system working together to maintain ____________?
What sociological perspective sees society as a system where different parts work together to maintain stability?
What sociologist is best known for the idea that nuclear families have two different functions?
Talcott Parsons
What is the study of social life, social change, and the social causes and consequences of human behavior?
What is the Marxist theory on family?
To fuel capitalism
When a part of society no longer contributes to the stability of society.
What theory argues that society is shaped by competition and inequality between social groups?
Conflict theory
What sociologist concluded that the family is universal and exists in all society?
George Murdock
A family consisting of a mother, father, and their dependent society?
Nuclear Family
What form of Marxism focuses on women doing domestic labor?
Marxist Feminism
What sociologist was the face of functionalism?
What theory is when the family should act a sanctuary for the man after a long day at work?
Warm Bath theory
What sociologist developed the symbolic interactionalist approach and is seen as the forgotten father of sociology?
George Mead
What is the change in people's behavior that results from people's knowledge of being observed?
Hawthorne Effect
Marx said society is divided into workers and this group, which owns businesses and factories.
The Bourgeoisie.
Functionalist believe that institutions exist to meet societies basic needs. This is a concept known as what?
Structural Functionalism
What theory examines how gender inequality is maintained in society and challenges traditional power structures?
Feminist theory
What sociologist discussed the relationship between the economy and the family from the Marxist perspective?
Eli Zaretsky
What is an inter-generational vertically extended family structure with very weak inter-generational links?
Beanpole Family
What form of Marxism adapts to meet changing circumstances?
What term describes a states of normlessness?
What perspective argues that reality is shaped by shared social meanings and interpretations rather than objective facts?
Social Constructionism
What sociologist created the positivist approach in sociology?
Auguste Comte
What is a copy of something that has no original or for which the original has been lost (used by Baudrillard)?