Whose nickname is Caveman?
Stanley Yelnats
Who is Madame Zeroni?
The gypsy who cursed Stanleys great great grandpa. Also, Zeros' great great great grandma.
Who drinks the sploosh and gets sick?
Who wants to be carried up the mountain?
Madame Zeroni
Whose nickname is Zero?
Hector Zeroni
Why did Madame Zeroni curse Elya Yelnats?
He left for America and did not carry her up the mountain.
Who gets slapped by the Warden?
Mr. Sir
Who stoles the shoes from the homeless shelter?
What is the outlaws name?
Kate Barlow
Because of the curse, what happens to Stanley in the beginning of the story?
He gets accused of stealing shoes even though he is innocent.
Who finds a lipstick tube with the initials K.B on it?
What did Stanley originally find that the warden was excited about?
The warden
What breaks the curse?
Stanley carrying Zero up the mountain and singing to him.
Who makes fun of Zero for not being able to read?
Mr. Pendanski
How does Stanley help Zero?
He teaches him to read.
What is the name of the famous baseball player?
Clyde Livingston
What happens to Camp Green Lake after the curse is broken?
It rains for the first time in 100 years
Who deletes Zeros file?
The warden
What does Stanley and Zero find at the top of the mountain?
Water and Onions