How many stars are there in the US flag?
what is 50
Sino ang nasa sampung piso sa pera ng Pilipinas
WHo is APolinario MaBINI
What is the coldest planet
What is Venus
Where is The Great Pyramid
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Where is Edinburgh
what is the US National bird?
What is bald eagle
what is Palm Civet
Something fit to be eaten
What is edible
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who is Michael Jackson
Anong historical event ang nasa 50 peso bill
What is Leyte Landing
what is the only letter to not appear in the periodic table
musical with music and lyrics by Stephen Schwartz
What is Wicked
who was the first president of the US
Who is George Washington
ANong animal ang nasa 200 peso bill ng Pilipinas
The COncept of gravity is discovered by which physicist
Who is Isaac Newton
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what is a california Roll?
what is a sushi
Sino ang tatlong nasa 1000 peso bill ng Pilipinas
WHo is Josefa Llanes Escoda, Vicente Lim and Jose Abad Santos
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WHat is DEoxyriboNucleic Acid
WHere is russia
swelling caused by too much fluid trapped in the body's tissues
What is edema