What is the paper you must bring to an interview that includes personal strengths, work and/or volunteer history, etc.?
A resume
If someone cuts you in line at the grocery store, how do you respond?
"Excuse me, I was in line. You must not have seen me. The line ends over there."
Ignore. They must be in a hurry or did not notice.
Your friend said something that hurt your feelings. They thought they were being funny. What do you do?
Respectfully communicate to them that it upset you, and you'd prefer if they did not joke like that around you. Express appropriately how it made you feel.
You notice that your other coworkers at your job got a raise, even though you worked there longer than them. What do you do?
Request to meet with your manager. Prepare a list of questions to ask during that meeting. Prepare a list of reasons you believe you deserve a raise.
Appropriately communicate your concern and confusion about your coworkers getting raises even though you worked there longer and have the same position.
Ask for feedback on your job performance, and the steps you need to take to be eligible for a raise.
What has a face and two hands, but no arms or legs?
A clock
Give an example of appropriate attire you'd wear to an interview.
Business casual
No jeans, sweatpants, sweatshirts, t-shirts
You're sitting on your porch and you see someone walking their dog. Their dog poops on your lawn. What do you do?
Offer them a plastic bag
Ask them to come back and clean it up respectfully
Just clean it up yourself
You trusted your friend with a secret, but you find out they told someone. What do you do?
No longer tell them secrets.
Respectfully communicate that you were confiding in them and trusting them, and express your feelings.
Your teacher gave everyone in the class a snack except for you. What do you do?
Respectfully ask the teacher why you did not receive one, or tell her she forgot to give you one.
A man goes out in the heavy rain without anything to protect him from it. His hair doesn't get wet. How does he do that?
He's bald
If you are under 18, what forms are you required to get in order to work? Where do you get these forms?
Working papers
You get them from your school
You see a mom struggling to get through the door to a store with her stroller. What do you do?
Offer to help and hold the door open for her
Your friend is constantly asking to borrow things but does not always return them. What do you do?
Respectfully communicate that you have no problem with letting them borrow your things but they must return them. Address how they have not returned things in an appropriate respectful way.
You see a picture online of your friend group, and they are hanging out and did not invite you. What do you do?
Respectfully communicate with your friends, tell them how being excluded made you feel, ask if you can be considered in future plans
A mushroom
What is the lowest paid hourly wage called? How much is this wage in New Jersey?
Minimum wage, $15.49/hour
You are a cashier at a grocery store and a customer is being very rude to you, telling you to hurry up. What do you do?
Respond respectfully
"I understand your frustration, but I am going as quick as I possibly can. Thank you for your patience."
Your friend is going through a really tough time. What do you do?
You offer your friend support
Check in with them frequently
Spend time with them, do things with them that cheer them up
Your teacher assigned a math worksheet and you are frustrated because you are confused by the questions asked. What do you do?
Raise your hand, and respectfully communicate that you are having difficulty with the work and would like some help.
What does a house wear?
What behaviors would be expected of you as an employee?
Being on time, following directions, being respectful, being able to work as a team, being able to handle and receive feedback and criticism appropriately
Two people are getting into a fight at the park you are at. Do you intervene? Is it safe to intervene? What do you do?
It may not be safe to intervene in this scenario.
You can ask from a distance if everything is alright.
Look to see if any adults are around for assistance.
Last resort: call authorities if you think someone is physically in danger.
Respectfully ask your friend to take down the picture and to ask you for your permission before posting pictures of you in the future.
One of your peers in your class keeps making annoying noises and blaming it on you. The teacher redirected you and mentioned a possible write up if it continues to occur. What do you do?
At the end of class, respectfully ask if you can talk to the teacher about something. Express that you are not the one making those noises and how frustrated you feel. Ask for the teachers help with intervention and conflict resolution with the peer.
What can you catch, but not throw?
A cold